The professional and scientifi c activities of Jan Kwaśnicki (1838-1883), a Varsovian surgeon, his medical education in various medical institutions is shortly outlined. He was the head of surgical ward at the Evangelica...
Introduction. One of the basic audiological parameter in estimation of hearing sensitivity is hearing threshold. The need
for an objective tool to effi ciently predict the audiogram caused that the use and importance of...
SUMMARY Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is an inflammatory disease affecting the nose and paranasal sinuses. Fungi are considered to be one of the pathogens responsible for some kinds of CRS. Fungal rhinosinusitis — the cla...
Purpose of the study. To evaluate the impact of tumour location, local and regional advancement, histological differentiation,
status of the surgical margins and radiotherapy on the disease-free time and overall survival...
The surgical achievements of Jan Kwaśnicki (1838-1883) for polish rhinolaryngology were important?
The professional and scientifi c activities of Jan Kwaśnicki (1838-1883), a Varsovian surgeon, his medical education in various medical institutions is shortly outlined. He was the head of surgical ward at the Evangelica...
Ocena zgodności progów słyszenia w badaniach potencjałów słuchowych stanu ustalonego (ASSR), audiometrii tonalnej i słuchowych potencjałów wywołanych pnia mózgu (ABR) u młodych osób z prawidłowym słuchem
Introduction. One of the basic audiological parameter in estimation of hearing sensitivity is hearing threshold. The need for an objective tool to effi ciently predict the audiogram caused that the use and importance of...
Współczesne spojrzenie na postępowanie z polipami nosa u pacjentów z triadą Samtera
Grzybicze zapalenie błony śluzowej nosa i zatok przynosowych — problem wciąż aktualny
SUMMARY Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is an inflammatory disease affecting the nose and paranasal sinuses. Fungi are considered to be one of the pathogens responsible for some kinds of CRS. Fungal rhinosinusitis — the cla...
Wpływ charakterystyki guza i sposobu leczenia na powstawanie wznów miejscowych i czas przeżycia u chorych z rakiem płaskonabłonkowym jamy ustnej
Purpose of the study. To evaluate the impact of tumour location, local and regional advancement, histological differentiation, status of the surgical margins and radiotherapy on the disease-free time and overall survival...