Формування ефективного управління техно-геологічними системами в надрокористуванні: реальність і перспективи
Journal Title: Мінеральні ресурси України - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 1
Родовище корисних копалин – це техно-геологічна система (ТГС) зі складовими підсистемами: геологічним об’єктом, тобто родовищем з певною геолого-економічною оцінкою, технологічним обладнанням для проведення робіт з видобутку корисних копалин і системою управління всіма процесами в ТГС. Основою управління є формування впливу керівного інституту на об’єкт управління, який постає як інформаційний процес, що забезпечує отримання, переробку й аналіз даних, побудову моделі стану ТГС за оцінюваними параметрами, розробку рекомендацій щодо втілення керівного впливу. Модель управління об’єктом відтворює причинні зв’язки між елементами ТГС, які формують декілька ієрархічних рівнів. Створення моделі оптимальної ТГС (для забезпечення основи моделі управління об’єктом) є стратегічним завданням сучасної геології – екологічної та економічної. Такий підхід може визначити теоретичну основу раціонального надрокористування. --- A technical-geological system (TGS) consists of geological environment, man-made objects (techno-sphere) and management system, which are divided into a number of individual components. This all can be considered as natural - anthropogenic complex. The effective functioning of such complex set as TGS is provided by perfect theory, management methodology and by the degree of information fullness and its reliability. We study the “mining deposit-geological environment” systems as technical-geological system (TGS) with the following constituents: geological object rated as deposit facility with defined economic assessment, technical equipment for the conduction of extraction works and management system of all processes in TGS. The investigation of mineral deposits as TGS has three practical aspects: 1) it refers to the study of the geological environment as the environment of human living; 2) it is associated with the study of geological bodies as natural resources; 3) it is associated with retrospective research based on the study of dynamical systems, as well as with determination of the forecast of mineral resources exploration. Mastering of mining deposit should be provided with such information capabilities that match the complexity of the TGS, in order to be able to control its condition, relationships, and flows of matter, energy and information. Accordingly, this situation will provide TGS management the capacity to bring economic development in the fields of deposit development to order. The basis of management is the development of the impact of the managing institution on the object of management, which is revealed sin formation process that provides acquisition, processing and analysis of obtained data to build a model of TGS state, using the estimated parameters, development of recommendations for the implementation of managing in flounce. This approach can be considered as theoretical basis of rational subsoil use. The effective management of the TGS resource potential has to be a flexible system that will change, adapt to market conditions, thus ensuring maximum utilization of mineral resources while preserving the environment. Based on this, the systematic approach to effectively manage resource potential TGS is proposed. The economic evaluation of reserves and mineral resources should be conducted on each stage of the development of the mineral resources complex for the purposes of increasing the validity of decisions and formulation of a comprehensive development strategy based on the standards of international level of the system CRIRSCO (Committee for Mineral Reserves International Reporting Standards). CRIRSCO implementation is held starting with the assessment of the efficiency of the industry as a whole and should serve as a basis for the selection of priority directions of its development at all stages of geological prospecting and operation of mineral resources.
Authors and Affiliations
Олександр Чепіжко, В. М. Кадурін, С. В. Кадурін, О. І. Волкова
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