Kulinarny trend slow food fast a nazwy własne stacjonarnych i mobilnych barów szybkiej obsługi (tzw. food trucków)


Food trucks are very popular among young people. Those are places not only to eat, but also to create and maintain both, a sense of individualism, and a sense of belonging to a particular group. The fashion for food trucks, in fact, converges with the cultural trend of slow. In the Polish culinary discourse, primarily online discourse, the expression food truck has a number of synonymous terms: jadłowóz, jadłodajnia, bar/knajpkana (czterech) kółkach, samochód/ ciężarówka z jedzeniem, uliczne żywienie, mobilna gastronomia, gastronomiczny punkt obsługi, ruchomy punkt gastronomiczny. Extremely interesting, however, is the creation of bar names, which are the first and also the most important messages sent by the sender (the bar owner) to prospective customers who are looking not only for inexpensive and healthy food, but who are also driven by particular intellectual and aesthetic needs. The names of trendy mobile and stationary bars serve not only identifying function, but also self-presentational, informative, persuasive, ludic, or creative functions, indicating certain values and lifestyles at the same time.

Authors and Affiliations

Ewa Szkudlarek-Śmiechowicz


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Ewa Szkudlarek-Śmiechowicz (2016). Kulinarny trend slow food fast a nazwy własne stacjonarnych i mobilnych barów szybkiej obsługi (tzw. food trucków). Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego, 0(), 167-181. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-182420