Setting-up a medium term plan for risk-assessment in aquatic and semiaquatic reptiles from the site “ROSCI0065” (Danube Delta) – Romania
Journal Title: Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute - Year 2014, Vol 20, Issue
The present work provides information on the planning of a mid-term (one year long) study focused on gathering data on the impact of human activities on populations of three aquatic and semiacquatic reptile species (Emys orbicularis, Natrix natrix and Natrix tessellata) from Natura 2000 site ROSCI0065 (Danube Delta). After a check-out of reliable information sources (activity carried out in January – April 2013 period) on native species of reptiles from Romania (especially the works dealing with human-induced killings in reptile populations), several field investigations performed in May – August 2013 period along the continental limit of the site ROSCI0065. During the field trips three types of current threats to the target reptile species were identified, as follows: 1. Road-killings (in 10 sites: Ghiolul Cotului, Somova – Isaccea area, Ghiolul Pietrei area, Murighiol – Dunavatu de Jos area, Sarichioi area, Ghiolul Tauc lake area, Ceamurlia de Jos – Baia area, Cape Negru, Sinoe – Grindul Lupilor area and Grindul Chituc marine levee); 2. Deliberate killing of snakes (in 2 sites: ruins of Histria fortress and Cape Dolosman); 3). Infrastructures functioning as traps (4 sites: Vadu, Cape Negru, Sinoe area and Jurilovca area). Based on the results of the investigations there was set-up a mid-term, one year long, plan for periodical (weekly) survey, in March – October 2014 period, of 14 sites located along (or nearby) the limits of the Natura 2000 site ROSCI0065 (Danube Delta), in order to gather data on impact of human activities on populations of aquatic and semiacquatic reptile species.
Authors and Affiliations
TÖRÖK Zsolt Csaba
Setting-up a medium term plan for risk-assessment in aquatic and semiaquatic reptiles from the site “ROSCI0065” (Danube Delta) – Romania
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