Study on the efficiency of the game actions of the romanian national team at the women world handball championship germany 2017
Journal Title: Știința culturii fizice - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 30
The aim of this study is to analyze the efficiency of the game actions in attack and defense of the Romanian team. The teams played between 6 and 9 games (places 1-8 - 9 games, places 9-16 - 6 games, places 17-24 - 7 games), in total there were 88 games for the establishment of the final hierarchy. The middle position in the final ranking is confirmed by team efficiency and there is a difference comparing to the previous edition when Romanian team finished in 3rd place. In terms of efficiency indicators, there is observed in the first part of the ranking teams that they performed consistently, but teams ranked in last positions barely manage to perform in one or two of those indicators.
Authors and Affiliations
Florin LEUCIUC, Mihai Timofte, Iulian Andrei
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