The growth characteristics of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the northern part of the Small Island of Brăila Natural Par


In this paper are presented the results of the growth parameters for the carp population. The study was realized in the 2006-2009 period on a total number of 367 carp specimens caught into the Danube river km 170-196 (the arms: Cravia, Calia, and Fundu Mare Island). In order to estimate the population growth characteristic of the carp population the following relationship was determined: length - weight (L-W) using equation W= a * L[sup]b[/sup]. The value of the coefficient b indicates an allometric increase, meaning the length increases faster than weight. Moreover, the good value of this coefficient, considered also as a condition factor (b = 2.845), shows us good growth conditions for this species in the researched area. Estimation of the growth parameters (von Bertalanffy) L[sub]∞[/sub], k, t[sub]o[/sub], led to obtaining of comparable values with other nearby regions carp populations.

Authors and Affiliations

Daniela Gheorghe, Georgel Răzlog, Victor Cristea, Ionica Enache


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How To Cite

Daniela Gheorghe, Georgel Răzlog, Victor Cristea, Ionica Enache (2011). The growth characteristics of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the northern part of the Small Island of Brăila Natural Par. Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation - International Journal of the Bioflux Society, 4(2), 154-158.