Żaluzjowe meble Władysława Winczego


TOMASZ MIKOLAJCZAK (The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Wrocław) The Jalousie Furniture by Władysław Wincze An interesting subject of Władysław Wincze’s artistic output is his jalousie furniture. Many of these types of furnishings have survived in private flats and government offices and some are known from archival sources. The history of jalousie furniture began in the eighteenth century France with the bureau à cylindre, which became the prototype of the popular office furniture in Europe and the United States in the nineteenth century. Again, the jalousie furniture gained popularity in the interiors created in the mid-1920s, first of all in European modernist architecture in Le Corbusier’s projects, as well as in Neues Bauen and Neues Wohnen in Germany and Czechoslovak functionalism. In Poland in this period similar solutions were adapted by Stefan Sienicki, the head of the Studio of Interiors and Utensils in the Faculty of Architecture of Warsaw Technical University established in 1936. It seems that it was Sienicki’s projects that inspired Wincze and Olgierd Szlekys, who worked together during the German occupation in an author company, to apply a similar solution in their own realizations. In contrast to Sienicki’s utilitarian furniture, the furniture of members of the Co-operative Artists “Ład” was designed to give decorative values, mainly for living rooms. After the Second World War, Wincze’s jalousie furniture was used in several projects, among others in the equipment of the office of Prof. Ludwik Hirszfeld in Wroclaw.

Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Mikołajczak


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Tomasz Mikołajczak (2017). Żaluzjowe meble Władysława Winczego. Quart. Kwartalnik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 45(3), 54-79. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-392267