Features the use of tactical charts of game womanish volleyball commands on the competitions of cup of Ukraine among veterans. Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport] Authors: Volkov E.| Харківська державна академія фізичної культури, Lyakhova T.| Харківська державна академія... Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness
Track and Field. Modern progress of the development the 100 metres dash Journal title: Slobozans`kij Naukovo-Sportivnij Visnik [Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport] Authors: Mirzoev Oktay Mirza oglu| Российский государственный университет физической культуры, спорта, молодё... Subject(s): Education, Sports and Recreation, Rehabilitation, Health and Wellness
CEREBRAL PALSY AND MUSIC ACHIEVEMENT Journal title: Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation Authors: Miodrag L. STOSHLJEVIKJ | Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation, Belgrade, Republic of Se... Subject(s): Medicine, Psychology, Pediatrics
SMS-BASED LEARNING APPROACH TO ASSISTING FULL TIME STUDENTS' IN LEARNING Journal title: International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering Authors: Mahalecumy Narayanansamy and Issham Ismail Subject(s): Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Management Science, Development Studies
DO WE NEED A ROMANIAN RESEARCH IN VEGETABLE GROWING? Journal title: Current Trends in Natural Sciences Authors: Ion Scurtu, Victor Lacatus, Gicuţa Sbîrciog, Alina Buzatu Subject(s): Horticulture, Soil Sciences, Ecology, Landscape, Biology, Environmental Protection
Achievements and Future Tasks in the Field of Ancient Korean History Journal title: International Journal of Korean History Authors: Chang Rho Moon Subject(s): History
Achievements, Constraints and Prognosis in Achieving the Millennium Development Goal of Eradicating Extreme Poverty and Hunger in the Nigeria Economy Journal title: Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities Authors: Anochie Uzoma C., Ude Damian Kalu, Opara Godstime I. Subject(s): Humanities, Social Sciences
CHALLENGES IN SCHOOL ADAPTATION AMONG ADOPTED CHILDREN Journal title: Problems of Psychology in the 21st Century Authors: Yulia F. Lakhvich Subject(s): Psychology
IMPORTANCE, STRUCTURE AND OUTCOMES OF THE MUSIC PROGRAM IN THE PRIMARY SCHOOL: THE EXPERIENCE OF CROATIA, MONTENEGRO, AND SERBIA Journal title: International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE) Authors: Sabina Vidulin, Dr., Jelena Martinović Bogojević, MA, Miomira M. Đurđanović, Dr. Subject(s): Education, Psychology, Pedagogy, Cognitive Research
“OpEn fOr mE An OpEnInG ThE sIZE Of A pInhOlE”: ThE lInK bETWEEn sTUDEnTs’ AChIEVEmEnTs AnD ThEIr sOCIO-ECOnOmIC bACKGrOUnD: ThE ArI’El UnIVErsITy CEnTEr As A CAsE sTUDy Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: nitza davidovitch, dan Soen Subject(s): Education
CULTURAL CAPITAL AND THE RICHES OF MANNA: INTEGRATION OF IMMIGRANT SCIENTISTS IN ISRAELI ACADEMIA Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Nitza Davidovitch, Dan Soen, Zila Sinuany-Stern Subject(s): Education
Efek Penggunaan Strategi Konflik Kognitif terhadap Hasil Belajar Kognitif Siswa Journal title: Prisma Sains: Jurnal Pengkajian Ilmu dan Pembelajaran Matematika dan IPA IKIP Mataram Authors: Ni Nyoman Sri Putu Verawati, Gusti Afifah Subject(s): Education, Science Education
Cross-cultural context of the relationship between parents and teacher's expectations and pupils achievements Journal title: Studia Psychologiczne Authors: Daniela Hakiert Subject(s):
Preschool education and school achievements of students at the age of 10 Journal title: Studia Psychologiczne Authors: Radosław Kaczan, Piotr Rycielski Subject(s):