Comparison the effect of casein phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate and fluoride varnish on dentin hypersensitivity reduction Journal title: Caspian Journal of Dental Research Authors: Leila Pishevar, Shirin Zahra Farhad, Mahboubeh Mirzakhani, Navid Haghayegh, Mohammadreza Ansarinejad Subject(s): Medicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery
ASSESMENT OF THERMAL ENDURANCE OF NANOFILLED POLYESTERIMIDE VARNISH Journal title: Proceedings of Electrotechnical Institute Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki Authors: Barbara GÓRNICKA, Lech GÓRECKI, Katarzyna GRYZŁO Subject(s):
INSULATION BASED ON POLYMER NANOCOMPOSITES IN APPLICATION TO LOW-VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL MOTORS Journal title: Proceedings of Electrotechnical Institute Prace Instytutu Elektrotechniki Authors: Barbara GÓRNICKA Subject(s):
Guz ziarnistokomórkowy krtani – opis dwóch przypadków Journal title: Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny Authors: Piotr Łach, Anna Górecka-Tuteja, Andrzej Fałek Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Otorhinolaryngology
Effect of Three Common Desensitizers in Reduction of the DentinHypersensitivity after Periodontal Surgery Journal title: Journal of Dental Biomaterials Authors: S Salahi, M Ghanbari, F Moosaali Subject(s):
Methodological Aspects of the Problem of Ensuring the Chemical Safety of Paint and Varnish Materials in the European Union Countries and Ukraine Journal title: Український журнал сучасних проблем токсикології Authors: N.Ye. Dyshinevich, T.S. Oboronova, O.L. Pereguda, T.O. Fokina Subject(s):
SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) Evaluation of Surface Roughness after Proximal Stripping of Teeth Followed by Application of Fluoride Varnish and Bonding Agent Journal title: Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research Authors: Nishil Agrawal, Hina Desai, Kalpesh Patel, Nikunj Patel, Rahul Aghera, Nirav Dholakiya Subject(s):
Comparison of the effect of resin infiltrant, fluoride varnish, and nano-hydroxy apatite paste on surface hardness and streptococcus mutans adhesion to artificial enamel lesions Journal title: Electronic Physician Authors: Mahdiye Aziznezhad, Homayoon Alaghemand, Zahra Shahande, Nilgoon Pasdar, Ali Bijani, Abdolreza Eslam... Subject(s):
Effectiveness of an in-office calcium-phosphate-based desensitizer: A six-month randomized-controlled trial and a SEM study of in-vivo treated teeth Journal title: IP Indian Journal of Conservative and Endodontics Authors: Luigi Uegi, Tirone Federic, Saleana Stefano Subject(s):
Prevention of white spot lesions during orthodontic treatment: A review Journal title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Authors: Dr. Shrikant B. Gadakh, Dr. Nitin Gulve, Dr. Sheetal Patani, Dr. Amit Nehete, Dr. Hrushikesh Aphale,... Subject(s):
Converting Banana Peels from Agricultural residues to Advantageous Substances Journal title: Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology Authors: Mohammed Nsaif Abbas Subject(s):
Wstępna charakterystyka pierwiastków ziem rzadkich i innych pierwiastków śladowych w osadach drobnoziarnistych z pogranicza triasu i jury w dawnej bruździe śródpolskiej Journal title: Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego Authors: Paweł BRAŃSKI Subject(s):
Therapy of onychomycosis: problematic issues and practical guidelines Journal title: Український журнал дерматології, венерології, косметології Authors: M.R. Anfilova Subject(s):
Guz Abriksowa języka u nastolatki - opis przypadku Journal title: Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny Authors: Przemysław Krawczyk, Daniel Majszyk, Antoni Bruzgielewicz, Kazimierz Niemczyk Subject(s): Medicine, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Otorhinolaryngology