Model Development of Nursing Student Loyalty in Politeknik of Health) Journal title: Jurnal Ners Authors: Hammad Hammad, Nursalam Nursalam, Ninuk Dian Kurniawati Subject(s):
About problem of the continuity of mathematical training of bachelors and masters of eco-nomics. Journal title: Дидактика математики: проблемы и исследования Authors: Zagurskaya Tatyana Subject(s):
Партійна діяльність Лева Бачинського у 1920-х рр. (За матеріалами часопису „Громадський Голос”) Journal title: Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія Authors: Hanna Lesiuk, Andriy Korolko Subject(s):
Game theory teaching methods for students specializing in economics and management. Journal title: Дидактика математики: проблемы и исследования Authors: Yevseyeva Elena Subject(s):
The myth of a Liberation War? Anti-Napoleonic Wars in Germany (1806-1815) in researches of modern German historians
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RELIABILITY OF CERTAIN TESTS FOR EVALUATION OF JUDO TECHNIQUES Journal title: Sport Mont Authors: Slavko Obadov, Janoš Kopas Subject(s):
Reliability & Validity of The Hindi Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy For The Gallbladder Cancer Journal title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research Authors: Punam Pandey Subject(s):
The Gender Metamorphosis of Narcissus. Salvador Dalí: Metamorphosis of Narcissus Journal title: The Polish Journal of Aesthetics Authors: Zdeňka Kalnická Subject(s):
E-educational Resource for Simulator Training of Marine Engineers and Bachelors in Engineering Journal title: Studia Periegetica Authors: Mikhail Nikishin, Daniil Krymov, Natalia Ivanova Subject(s):
Ti-Zr placer mineralization in Neoproterozoic (Upper Riphean) rocks of Kildin Formation and in contemporary beach sands of Sredny and Rybachy Peninsulas, Kola Region Journal title: Вестник МГТУ Authors: I. V. Chickiryov, Yu. L. Voytekhovsky Subject(s):
Wolbachia-a foe for mosquitoes Journal title: Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease Authors: Subject(s):