Evaluation of the Relationship between Workaholism, Organizational Silence, and Burnout in Staff of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences in 2014 Journal title: Journal of Health Research in Community Authors: fatemeh arab, mojtaba rezaeirad, kambiz esmaeilnia Subject(s): Medicine, Health and Wellness
INTERRELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN HUMOR, STRESS AND PROFESSIONAL BURNOUT ON THE BASIS OF THE RESEARCH IN A GROUP OF TEACHERS Journal title: Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Humanitas w Sosnowcu. Pedagogika Authors: Andrzej Bulzak, Marta Adamczyk, Marcin Kordek Subject(s):
The Effect of Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence on Nurses’ Burnout and Caring Behavior Journal title: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences Authors: Hadi Sunaryo, Nazief Nirwanto, Abdul Manan Subject(s):
Determination of recreational activities participation levels and psycho-social status of the children under protected in Karaman province Determination of recreational activities participation levels and psycho-social status of the children under protected in Karaman province<p>Karaman ili bünyesinde korunma altına alınan çocukların rekreatif faaliyetlere katılım düzeylerinin ve psiko-sosyal du Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Sefa Şahan Birol, Veysel Temel, Elif Aydın Subject(s):
The effect of mobbing behaviors on burnout of women’s basketball players<p>Mobbing davranışlarının kadın basketbolcuların tükenmişliği üzerine etkisi Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Türkan Karık, Süleyman Murat Yıldız Subject(s):
Examining relationship between burnout level and socio-demographic characteristics of teachers: A case study for Ayaş, Güdül, Beypazarı, Nallıhan Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Burhan Başoğlu, Mustafa Önder Şekeroğlu, Emrah Altun Subject(s):
Investigation of burnout in marriage Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Mustafa Pamuk, Emine Durmuş Subject(s):
The effect of coping program against creativity-based burnout on decreasing the burnout syndrome among nurses: a group study case<p>Yaratıcılığa dayalı tükenmişlikle başa çıkma programının hemşirelerin tükenmişliklerini azaltmadaki etkisi: bir grup çalışması örneği Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Feyruz Usluoğlu, Bülent Gündüz, Erdinç Çağlayan Subject(s):
Investigation of burnout level of sport faculty students Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: İlimdar Yalçın, Atalay Gacar Subject(s):
Burnout levels of the physical education teachers in terms of professional variables<p>Beden eğitimi öğretmenlerinin mesleki değişkenlere göre tükenmişlik düzeyleri Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Timur Yılmaz, F. Filiz Çolakoğlu, Tekin Çolakoglu Subject(s):
Investigation of the job satisfaction and burnout levels of the wrestling referees according to various factors in Turkey Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Taha Yasin Ilkım, Mehmet Güllü Subject(s):
Public employee’ job satisfaction, life satisfaction and burnout levels’ assessment by some socia-demographic factors<p>Kamu çalışanlarının iş doyumu, yaşam doyumu ve tükenmişlik düzeylerinin bazı sosyo-demografik unsurlara göre değerlendirilmesi Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Yurdanur Ural Uslan Subject(s):
Evaluation of some factors affecting self-efficacy beliefs of students studying in teacher education departments<p>Öğretmenlik bölümlerinde öğrenim gören öğrencilerin öz yeterlik inançlarını etkileyen bazı faktörlerin değerlendirilmesi Journal title: Journal of Human Sciences Authors: Ender Şenel, Kemal Tamer Subject(s):
Does Emotional Labour Influence Burnout? Journal title: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Authors: sandeep kaur, Dr. Luxmi malodia Subject(s):
Burnout, perceived stress and work satisfaction of intensive care unit nurses Journal title: Applied Medical Informatics Authors: Petru COTRĂU, Viviana HODOSAN, Adriana VLADU, Lucia DAINA, Marcel NEGRAU, Cristian DAINA, Carmen PAN... Subject(s): Medical Informatics