Macrolides in the treatment of genitourinary system infections Journal title: Ginekologia Praktyczna Authors: Andrzej Denys Subject(s):
Intelligent Agent based Flight Search and Booking System Journal title: International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence(IJARAI) Authors: Floyd Garvey, Suresh Sankaranarayanan Subject(s):
(MCKIBBEN’S MUSCLE) Robots Make Our Work Lighter, But We Have Made the Robots Lighter. Journal title: International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Authors: Shripad Shashikant Chopade Subject(s):
Znaczenie działalności rekreacyjno-sportowej w małych portach morskich w Polsce dla społeczno-gospodarczego rozwoju gmin nadmorskich Journal title: Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu Authors: Piotr Nowaczyk Subject(s):
AN ANALYSIS OF CURRICULUM RENEWAL IN EAP CONTEXT Journal title: International Journal of Instruction Authors: Aynur Yürekli Subject(s):
CONDITION AND PROSPECTS OF MARITIME FREIGHT TRANSPORTATIONS IN THE SOUTHERN ZONE OF THE RUSSIAN FAR EAST Journal title: Asia-Pacific Journal of Marine Science&Education Authors: Andrey Fisenko Subject(s):
Состояние и перспективы развития морских грузовых перевозок в южной зоне Дальнего Востока России Journal title: Asia-Pacific Journal of Marine Science&Education Authors: Andrey Fisenko Subject(s):
Review and Performance Comparison of Distributed Wireless Reprogramming Protocols: SDRP and ISDRP Journal title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) Authors: Chhabeel Kaur Subject(s):
An Exploration of Robotic System Journal title: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Authors: A.Rethinavel Subramanian Subject(s):
Army Officers and the Russian Revolution of 1905 – 1907 Journal title: Codrul Cosminului Authors: Валерий Суряев Subject(s):
Implementation of the supply chain management concept in seaports - requirements and challenges Journal title: Logistics and Transport Authors: Maciej Matczak Subject(s):
Retention of two dialkyl alkylphosphonates and a phosphoramidate utilized as chemical weapons agents simulants in a polyurethane rubber matrix Journal title: Aparatura Badawcza i Dydaktycza Authors: Irma García, Dante Gimenez, Javier Quagliano Subject(s): Science, Technology
Grotem w dół, grotem w górę. Deponowanie włóczni w grobach wczesnośredniowiecznych na ziemiach polskich Journal title: Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia Authors: Tomasz Kurasiński Subject(s): Archaeology, Architecture, Art History , History
W środku paradnej tarczy. Ciekawy grób z cmentarzyska kultury przeworskiej w Czersku, pow. piaseczyński Journal title: Acta Archaeologica Lodziensia Authors: Katarzyna Czarnecka Subject(s): Archaeology, Architecture, Art History , History
Concept and implementation program of the national maritime policy with a focus on seaports Journal title: Logistics and Transport Authors: Czesława Christowa Subject(s):