Neurodevelopmental Evaluation of Term Newborns with Significant Hyperbilirubinemia Journal title: Istanbul Medical Journal Authors: Gamze Özgürhan, Serdar Cömert Subject(s): Medicine
Evaluation of Orally Administered Anthelmintic Treatment Options for Dentostomella translucida in Naturally Infected Mongolian Gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) Journal title: Turkish Journal of Parasitology Authors: Süleyman Aypak , Cavit Kum , Metin Pekağırbaş , Adnan Ayan , Tülin Karagenç Subject(s): Medicine, Parasitology
Detection of Internal Parasites in Turkeys in Erbil city Journal title: Journal of Applied Veterinary Sciences Authors: Waad Khalaf, Subject(s): Veterinary Sciences
Prevalencia y caracterización de la ictericia neonatal en el hospital de Moa entre enero y marzo de 2022 Journal title: Ciencia & Futuro Authors: Denise Rojas-Fuentes, Deliannis Torres-Legrá Subject(s): Engineering, Social Sciences
Effect of IgG anti AB antibody on the correlation analysis between the titer of blood group antibodies and total bilirubin in serum of newborns with hemolytic disease Journal title: Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion Authors: Yi ZHANG, Chen CHENG, Yijing CHEN, Qun LUO, Hailong ZHUO Subject(s): Hematology
DUBİN-JOHNSON SİNDROMU ZAMANI HİPERBİLİRUBİNEMİYANIN İNKİŞAF MEXANİZMİNDƏ MRP2 MUTASİYALARININ PATOFİZİOLOJİ TƏDQİQİ Journal title: Nature & Science Authors: Cəmilə Əliyeva, Sevinc Hacıyeva, Jalə İbrahimova, Leyla Səfərəliyeva, Zöhrə Qafarova, Nəzakət Usu... Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Medicine, Agricultural Science
UZUN SÜRƏN NEONATAL SARILIQ HALLARININ BİOKİMYƏVİ XÜSUSİYYƏTLƏRİ Journal title: Nature & Science Authors: Səadət Əliyeva, Gülnarə Daşdəmirova Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Medicine, Agricultural Science