Problems of the equilibrium of a rigid body and mechanical systems. (Received in the final form August 12, 2009) Journal title: Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science Authors: Sanh Do, Khoa Dang Do Subject(s):
Comparison of Microaspiration Around Taperguard Tube Cuffs and Standard Tracheal Tubes in Obese Patients Subjected to Surgery Under General Anesthesia Journal title: Polish Journal of Surgery Authors: Ewelina Gaszyńska, Paweł Ratajczyk, Andrzej Wieczorek, Tomasz Szewczyk Subject(s):
The Influence of Splenectomy Performed Simultaneously with Gastrectomy on Postoperative Complications in Patients with Gastric Cancer Undergoing Surgery with the Intention to Treat Journal title: Polish Journal of Surgery Authors: Stanisław Głuszek, Marta Kot, Jakub Kuchinka, Jarosław Matykiewicz Subject(s):
Recent developments in numerical homogenization. (Received in the final form February 11, 2010) Journal title: Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science Authors: Daniela P. Boso, Marek Lefik, Bernhard A. Schrefler Subject(s):
Assessment of the Knowledge of GPS Considering the Surgical Treatment of Obesity Journal title: Polish Journal of Surgery Authors: Marcin Giaro, Mariusz Wyleżoł, Olaf Truszczyński, Tomasz Lewandowski Subject(s):
Mutschler o fizyce i religii Journal title: Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy Authors: Robert Piotrowski Subject(s):
VAT IN THE OPERATION OF FARMS IN 2010-2013 Journal title: Zagadnienia Ekonomiki Rolnej Authors: Grażyna Nachtman, Izabela Cholewa Subject(s):
Utility of noninvasive methods for the characterization of nonalcoholic liver steatosis in the family practice. The “VARES” Italian multicenter study Journal title: Annals of Hepatology Authors: Ignazio Grattagliano, Enzo Ubaldi, Luigi Napoli, Carlo Marulli, Cristina Nebiacolombo, Carmelo Cotto... Subject(s):
FORECAST FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF LINER SERVICES IN THE PORT OF GDYNIA Journal title: Biuletyn Instytutu Morskiego Authors: Andrzej Tubielewicz Subject(s):
Postcolonial Sub-Saharan 1 State and Contemporary General Business Environment. Selected Issues Journal title: Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe Authors: Tomasz Kolasinski Subject(s): Management Science/Operations Research, Human Resource Management, Management
General principles of forest management and forestry law Journal title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem Authors: Jan Chmielewski Subject(s):
Zasady ogólne gospodarki leśnej i prawa leśnego Journal title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem Authors: Jan Chmielewski Subject(s):
Art. 167 of the amended Polish Code of Criminal Procedure with a general clause – an attempt of a theoretical analysis Journal title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem Authors: Artur Kotowski Subject(s):
Art. 167 znowelizowanego Kodeksu postępowania karnego jako klauzula generalna – próba analizy teoretycznej Journal title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem Authors: Artur Kotowski Subject(s):
Non-intubated, total intravenous anaesthesia proposed as a safe method for paediatric dentistry in a rural area Journal title: Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research Authors: Tomasz Nikodemski, Rafał Rojek, Arkadiusz Kazimierczak, Leszek Sagan, Jeremy Clark, Katarzyna Ostrow... Subject(s):