Prediction of Network Threats and Attacks by Mathematical Simulation

Journal title: Challenges and Issues of Modern Science

Authors: Daniil Doroshenko

Subject(s): Business Administration, Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Materials Science, Management Science/Operations Research, Aerospace Engineering, Management Science, Management and Marketing, Environmental Protection

Теоретичне обґрунтування системи факторів, що впливають на розвиток сільського господарства: український контекст

Journal title: Challenges and Issues of Modern Science

Authors: Роман Іванов, Юрій Гуртовий

Subject(s): Business Administration, Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Materials Science, Management Science/Operations Research, Aerospace Engineering, Management Science, Management and Marketing, Environmental Protection

Побудова ефективної системи інформаційно-аналітичного забезпечення управління підприємством: задачі та виклики

Journal title: Challenges and Issues of Modern Science

Authors: Станіслав Свір

Subject(s): Business Administration, Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Materials Science, Management Science/Operations Research, Aerospace Engineering, Management Science, Management and Marketing, Environmental Protection

Моделі лідерства в менеджменті крос-культурних команд

Journal title: Challenges and Issues of Modern Science

Authors: Софія Саламаніна, Ганна Нямещук

Subject(s): Business Administration, Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Materials Science, Management Science/Operations Research, Aerospace Engineering, Management Science, Management and Marketing, Environmental Protection

Можливість використання порушених гірничими роботами територій Кривбасу для розвитку вітроенергетики

Journal title: Challenges and Issues of Modern Science

Authors: Ольга Медведєва, Заряна Гальченко, Олексій Демченко

Subject(s): Business Administration, Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Materials Science, Management Science/Operations Research, Aerospace Engineering, Management Science, Management and Marketing, Environmental Protection

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