Massive inflammatory reaction following the removal of a ruptured silicone implant masking the invasive breast cancer – case report and literature review Journal title: Polish Journal of Surgery Authors: Piotr Nowaczyk, Aleksandra Budnicka, Mateusz Wichtowski, Paweł Kurzawa, Dawid Murawa Subject(s):
Effect of environmental parameters on the concentration of nickel (Ni) in bones of the hip joint from patients with osteoarthritis Journal title: Journal of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research Authors: Natalia Łanocha-Arendarczyk, Elżbieta Kalisińska, Danuta Kosik-Bogacka, Halina Budis, Katarzyna Lewi... Subject(s):
Prosthetic rehabilitation in the patient after maxillectomy due to neoplasm using milled bar supported on dental endosseous implants Journal title: Prosthodontics Authors: Robert Nieborak, Dariusz Mateńko, Elżbieta Mierzwińska-Nastalska Subject(s):
Rehabilitacja protetyczna pacjenta po resekcji szczęki z powodu nowotworu z użyciem frezowanej belki wspartej na wszczepach śródkostnych Journal title: Prosthodontics Authors: Robert Nieborak, Dariusz Mateńko, Elżbieta Mierzwińska-Nastalska Subject(s):
Anterolateral yaklaşımla L1-2 segmentinde disk replasmanı: İki olgu sunumu ve<br /> cerrahi tekniklerin değerlendirilmesi Journal title: Eklem Hastaliklari ve Cerrahisi Authors: Won Kim, Soo-Taek Lim, Sang-Ho Lee Subject(s):
Anterior lomber füzyondan sonra perkütan translaminer faset pedikül vida fiksasyonu Journal title: Eklem Hastaliklari ve Cerrahisi Authors: Chan Shim, Sang-Ho Lee, Byungjoo Jung, Sun-Hee Park, Song-Woo Shin Subject(s):
Surgical techniques of prosthetic disc-nucleus (PDN) replacement and early results of the PDN-SOLO device Journal title: Eklem Hastaliklari ve Cerrahisi Authors: Chan Shim, Sang-Ho Lee Subject(s):
Prostetik disk nükleusu (PDN) replasmanında kullanılan cerrahi teknikler ve <br /> PDN-SOLO cihazıyla elde edilen erken sonuçlar Journal title: Eklem Hastaliklari ve Cerrahisi Authors: Chan Shim, Sang-Ho Lee Subject(s):
minipellets for bacterial bone infections using precipitation technique: preparation, characterization and in-vitro antibiotic release studies Journal title: Journal of Pharmacy Research Authors: Nayak A. K.*, Bhattacharya A. and Sen K. K. Subject(s):
Impossibility of prosthetic rehabilitation leading to the removal of dental implant – case report Journal title: RSBO Authors: Sabrina ZANI, Daniela BERTON, Elken RIVALDO, Luis FRASCA Subject(s): Medicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery
In vitro evaluation of osteoblastic cell adhesion on machined osseointegrated implants Journal title: Brazilian Oral Research Authors: Sandra Alves, Thomaz Wassall Subject(s):
ESTRESSE AO OSSO EM TORNO DE IMPLANTES ORTODÔNTICOS NA REGIÃO DE MOLARES INFERIORES: UMA AVALIAÇÃO POR ELEMENTOS FINITOS Journal title: Stomatos Authors: Rogério de Aguiar, Leandro Corso, Naiara Larentis, Vania Fontanella Subject(s):
REABILITAREA EDENTAŢIILOR UNIDENTARE MOLARE MANDIBULARE PRIN INTERMEDIUL IMPLANTELOR DE STADIUL DOI Journal title: Journal MEDICINA STOMATOLOGIĂ Authors: Topalo Valentin, Chele Nicolae, Mostovei Andrei, Gumeniuc Aureliu, Dobrovolschi Oleg, Boico Roman Subject(s):
THE PARTICULARITIES OF IMPLANT-PROSTHETIC TREATMENT IN PATIENTS UNDER ANTIGOAGULANT THERAPY Journal title: Journal MEDICINA STOMATOLOGIĂ Authors: Zănoagă Oleg, Topalo Valentin , Sîrbu Dumitru, Cucu Ghenadie , Mostovei Andrei Subject(s):
THE REHABILITATION OF SINGLE TOOTH MANDIBULAR MOLAR EDENTULISM USING TWO-STAGE DENTAL IMPLANTS Journal title: Journal MEDICINA STOMATOLOGIĂ Authors: Topalo Valentin, Chele Nicolae, Mostovei Andrei, Gumeniuc Aureliu, Dobrovolschi Oleg, Boico Roman Subject(s):