RECEPTAREA ZESTREI ÎN IZVOARELE JURIDICE CARE AU CIRCULAT ÎN ŢĂRILE ROMÂNE. FOI DE ZESTRE Journal title: STUDIUM - Revista studenţilor, masteranzilor şi doctoranzilor în istorie Authors: Lazăr Petrişor Aurelian Subject(s):
Conservation status of protected or rare invertebrates from the border area Romania – Republic of Moldova Journal title: Advances in Environmental Sciences - International Journal of the Bioflux Society Authors: Irinel Popescu, Ana Davideanu Subject(s):
ON THE PRESENCE OF ROSA MICRANTHA BORRER EX SM. IN MOLDOVA (ROMANIA) Journal title: Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iasi, Serie noua, Sectiunea II a. Biologie vegetala Authors: C. MÂNZU, CARMEN AONCIOAIE Subject(s):
Geodemographic Transformations Of The Rural Area In The Historic Region Of Moldova In Postcommunist Period Journal title: Revista Romana de Statistica Authors: Iuliana-Valentina Mardale Subject(s): Mathematics, Statistics , Science
Spatial Disparities in Agricultural Land Use in the Republic of Moldova Journal title: Romanian Review of Regional Studies Authors: IURII BEJAN Subject(s): Geography
NEW CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE STUDY OF THE ASSOCIATIONS FROM QUERCO – FAGETEA BR. – BL. ET VLIEGER IN VLIEGER 1937 CLASS, FROM THE LOWER BASIN OF THE BISTRIŢA RIVER Journal title: Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iasi, Serie noua, Sectiunea II a. Biologie vegetala Authors: CARMEN AONCIOAIE Subject(s):
Aspects of Moldoviţa River’s Basin vascular flora (Suceava county) Journal title: Journal of Plant Development Authors: C. Mânzu, Isabela Mânzu Subject(s):
The emergence of the problem of Bukovina within the European geopolitical space Journal title: Codrul Cosminului Authors: Aurlian Lavric Subject(s):
La société moldave pendant la guerre de Crimée dans la vision des consuls et voyageurs français Journal title: Codrul Cosminului Authors: Luisa-Georgiana Bârgoanu Subject(s):
State and church in the organization of Moldavian country until the end of 18th century Journal title: Codrul Cosminului Authors: Ioan Scripcariuc Subject(s):
A Campaign of the Great Hetman Jan Zamoyski in Moldavia (1595). Part I. Politico-diplomatic and military preliminaries Journal title: Codrul Cosminului Authors: Dariusz Milewski Subject(s):
THE COLD WAVE OF THE 25 JANUARY – 18 FEBRUARY 2012 PERIOD ON THE TERRITORY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Journal title: Present Environment and Sustainable Development Authors: Sofroni V., Puţuntică , Sfîcă Lucian, Pavel Ichim Subject(s):
Wybrane aspekty prawne stanowienia i funkcjonowania gospodarki Naddniestrza jako państwa nieuznawanego Journal title: Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie Authors: Natalia Cwicinskaja Subject(s):
Ukrainians in ethnocultural stereotypes of medieval Moldavian chroniclers, modern and contemporary Romanian historians and writers: image of Ivan Pidkova as leader of Cossacks and Moldavian prince Journal title: Codrul Cosminului Authors: Aнтоний Мойсей, Аркадий Мойсей Subject(s):
LANDSLIDE REACTIVATION IN MOLDAVIAN PLATEAU 1996/1997. A CASE-STUDY: PÂRCOVACI Journal title: The Annals of Valahia University of Târgoviste, Geographical Series Authors: Adrian CIOACA, Mihaela DINU Subject(s):