The role of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography in orthodontics Journal title: Forum Ortodontyczne Authors: Ingrid Różyło-Kalinowska Subject(s):
The latest developments of orthodontics and their application to improve face aesthetics Journal title: Kosmetologia Estetyczna Authors: Alina Strzałkowska, Ewa Winiarska-Maks Subject(s):
Mesiodistal width and proximal enamel thickness of maxillary first bicuspids Journal title: Brazilian Oral Research Authors: Aurélio Macha, Flávio Vellini-Ferreira, Helio Scavone-Junior, Rívea Inês Ferreira Subject(s):
Juveniles versus adults: differences in PGE2 levels in the gingival crevicular fluid during orthodontic tooth movement Journal title: Brazilian Oral Research Authors: Priscilla Chibebe, Nancy Starobinas, Debora Pallos Subject(s):
Comparison of the shear bond strengths of conventional mesh bases and sandblasted orthodontic bracket bases Journal title: Brazilian Oral Research Authors: Isabel Cristina Lugato, Lilian Maria Pignatta, Flávia Arantes, Eduardo César Santos Subject(s):
Crown dimensions and proximal enamel thickness of mandibular second bicuspids Journal title: Brazilian Oral Research Authors: Sérgio Augusto Fernandes, Flávio Vellini-Ferreira, Helio Scavone-Junior, Rívea Inês Ferreira Subject(s):
ESTRESSE AO OSSO EM TORNO DE IMPLANTES ORTODÔNTICOS NA REGIÃO DE MOLARES INFERIORES: UMA AVALIAÇÃO POR ELEMENTOS FINITOS Journal title: Stomatos Authors: Rogério de Aguiar, Leandro Corso, Naiara Larentis, Vania Fontanella Subject(s):
In vitro comparison of the force degradation of orthodontic intraoral elastics from different compositions Journal title: RSBO Authors: Camilla Vieira, Cibele de Oliveira, Alexandre Ribeiro, Sergei Caldas, Lídia Martins, Luiz Jr., Ary P... Subject(s): Medicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery
A CLINICAL CASE OF LOSS OF THE UPPER LATERAL INCISORS AS A RESULT OF CANINES IMPACTION. Journal title: Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers) Authors: Hristina Arnautska, Gergana Ivanova Subject(s):
Effect of Nonsteriodal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs on Orthodontic Tooth Movement – Review Journal title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy (IOSRPHR) Authors: Dr Vinit Swami1 , Dr Vasanthi Swami2 Subject(s):
Lack of pulp sensitivity in maxillary canines submitted to orthodontic traction: a retrospective clinical study Journal title: RSBO Authors: Luciana Ferreira, Eduardo Filho, Cláudio Rodrigues, Carlos Bueno, Rodrigo Cunha Subject(s): Medicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery
DISINFECTION OF ORTHODONTIC PLIERS USING THREE DIFFERENT DISINFECTANTS Journal title: Journal of International Dental and Medical Research Authors: Majid Ghanbarzadeh Subject(s):
Estimation of efficacy of echinacea compositum C and teraflex application in orthodontic moving of teeth on the background of experimental goiter Journal title: Медичні перспективи Authors: K. Kolesnik , O. Denga Subject(s):
A bracket design proposal for the first molar Journal title: RSBO Authors: Roberto Scalon, Mário Filho, Heloísa Valdrighi , Adriana Lucato, Silvia Vedovello Subject(s): Medicine, Dentistry and Oral Surgery
Оцінка ефективності застосування препаратів «Ехінацея композитум С» і «Терафлекс» при ортодонтичному переміщенні зубів на тлі експериментального зобу Journal title: Медичні перспективи Authors: K. Kolesnik , O. Denga Subject(s):