Towards a Rediscovery of Classical Values: The Ethics of the British Idealists. A Passport across Cultural Borders Journal title: Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy Authors: Dana Tabrea Subject(s):
Hürriyet Problemi Bağlamında İnsan Fillerindeki Temel Dinamiklerin Farabi Felsefesindeki Yeri Journal title: Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy Authors: Hasan Ocak Subject(s):
Of wolves and Philosophers. Interview with Mark Rowlands Journal title: AVANT. Pismo awangardy filozoficzno-naukowej Authors: Mark Rowlands, Tadeusz Ciecierski Subject(s):
Laying Down a Path in Common. Introduction Journal title: AVANT. Pismo awangardy filozoficzno-naukowej Authors: Karolina Karmaza Subject(s):
Nietzsche and the Question of Music. Journal title: The Polish Journal of Aesthetics Authors: Subject(s):
Etyczne uwarunkowania psychoterapii Gestalt Journal title: Psychoterapia Authors: Mariola Paruzel-Czachura Subject(s):
Legal Awareness in the Church, or the Awareness of the Church? Journal title: Kościół i Prawo Authors: Piotr Zamelski Subject(s):
Terrorism as Ideological Challenge on Contemporary Muslim: A Philosophical Analysis Journal title: International Journal of Islamic Thought Authors: ZUL`AZMI YAAKOB , AHMAD SUNAWARI LONG Subject(s):
Genius loci ir „išgyvenimo pamokos“. (Donelaičio fenomenas moderniojo katastrofizmo laikais) Journal title: Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis Authors: Wladimir Gilmanov Subject(s):
Various ways of understanding compliance: a psychiatrist’s view Journal title: Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Authors: Rafał Jaeschke, Marcin Siwek, Dominika Dudek Subject(s):
NEUTROSOPHIC SET – A GENERALIZATION OF THE INTUITIONISTIC FUZZY SET Journal title: Journal of Defense Resources Management Authors: Florentin SMARANDACHE Subject(s):
Jean-Luc Marion’s Philosophy of Religion: Between Methodological Rigorousness and Hermeneutics Journal title: Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy Authors: George Vamesul Subject(s):
BYCIE: OD FILOZOFII MOŻLIWOŚCI DO PSYCHOTERAPII KRÓTKOTERMINOWEJ Journal title: Psychiatria i Psychoterapia Authors: Jakub Bartoszewski Subject(s):
Ancient sources of business ethics Journal title: Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie Authors: Małgorzata Ramocka Subject(s):
Young-Earth Creationism vs. Big Bang Theory: John Hartnett’s Views from the Constructivist and Externalist Perspective Journal title: Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy Authors: Kazimierz Jodkowski Subject(s):