Predictive value of dynamic assessment of thrombose-related factors in diabetic nephropathy patients for thrombotic risk Journal title: Chinese Journal of Clinical Research Authors: LIU Xiao, BAI Hailong, BIAN Yun Subject(s): Medicine
Bibliometric Analysis of Climate Change Impacts on Global Water Issues (2014-2024) Journal title: Opportunities and Challenges in Sustainability Authors: Abraham Ayuen Ngong Deng, Nursetiawan Nursetiawan, Jazaul Ikhsan Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Environmental Economics, Ecology, Global Environmental Change, Environmental Planning, Environmental Protection, Green & Sustainable Science & Technology
Unveiling the Rarity: A Case Report on Distal Femur Parosteal Osteosarcoma Journal title: Journal of Pakistan Orthopaedic Association Authors: Saddam Mazar1,Anisuddin Bhatti2, Aleena Ehsan3 Subject(s): Medicine
Frequency of Painful Benign Tumors of the Hand in Patients presenting to the Hand and Upper Limb Surgery Combined Military Hospital Lahore. Journal title: Journal of Pakistan Orthopaedic Association Authors: Shoaib Javaid1, Khalid Masood2, Khalid Zulfiqar Qureshi3, Safdar Iqbal4, Awais Iqbal5 Subject(s): Medicine
USING ESP TO RAISE STUDENTS' AWARENESS OF ENERGY AND SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES Journal title: International scientific journal Science and Innovation Authors: Madjitova O.M. Subject(s): Archaeology, Arts and Literature, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Economics, Education, Humanities, Law, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, Social Sciences, Architecture, Agricultural Science
THE LITERARY VALUE OF THE LETTERS OF ABDURAHMAN JAMI AND ALISHER NAVAI IN "HAMSAT-UL-MUTAHAYIRIN" Journal title: International scientific journal Science and Innovation Authors: Rajabova A. Subject(s): Archaeology, Arts and Literature, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Economics, Education, Humanities, Law, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, Social Sciences, Architecture, Agricultural Science
METHOD FOR ELIMINATING THE RESIDUAL CAVITY AFTER HEPATIC ECHINOCOCCECTOMY Journal title: International scientific journal Science and Innovation Authors: Babadjanov A.Kh., Maxmudov U.M., Tuksanov A.I., Ibrokhimov S.S. Subject(s): Archaeology, Arts and Literature, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Economics, Education, Humanities, Law, Linguistics, Mathematics, Medicine, Philosophy, Physics, Psychology, Social Sciences, Architecture, Agricultural Science
Managing the soft tissue defects over the dorsum of hand: Our experience with Posterior Interosseous Artery (PIA) flap Journal title: Journal of Pakistan Orthopaedic Association Authors: Khalid Masood,1Belal Saadat,2Khalid Zulfiqar Qureshi,3Karam Rasool Basra,4Hafiz Muhammad Kashif Shaf... Subject(s): Medicine
Our Experience of Proximally Based Sural Artery Flap with Ilizarov Fixator Around The Knee Journal title: Journal of Pakistan Orthopaedic Association Authors: Naseer Ahmad Chaudhry,Muhammad Azeem, Ahmad Awad Ahmad, Faisal Waheed Subject(s): Medicine
Ethical considerations on the development and application of artificial intelligence in public health Journal title: Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine Authors: RONG Chunyu,HONG Dongni,WANG Baoyue,WANG Junwei,WANG Yunmeng,LI Xianglong,DING Siyu,ZHOU Ping, Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine, Public, Environmental & Occupational Health
Diagnostic importance of phenotypic featuresof undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasiain spondylogenic vertebro-basilar insufficiency Journal title: BOHR International Journal of Neurology and Neuroscience Authors: Nekrasova Nataliya, O. Tovazhnyanska Rhea Singh Subject(s): Medicine
Key issues and optimization strategies of emergency response to public health emergencies in the Yangtze River Delta region Journal title: Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine Authors: ZHOU Xinke,CHEN Zheng,LI Yan,LYU Yipeng,LI Xuanjing,JIA Shaoyou,GAO Xiang, Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine, Public, Environmental & Occupational Health
Key issues in the response of tertiary public hospitals to public health emergencies in China Journal title: Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine Authors: JIA Haiyi,CHEN Zheng,LI Yan,LYU Yipeng,LI Xuanjing,ZHOU Xinke,GAO Xiang, Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine, Public, Environmental & Occupational Health
Genodermatoses and Therapeutics on the Horizon: A Review and Table Summary Journal title: Journal of Clinical Medical Research Authors: Edward M Klepper1*, Maria L Andrzejewski1, Ahmed M Sikder1, Kishore E Clark1, Rista Upadhyay1, Eber... Subject(s): Medical science
YÜKSEK TABAN PUANLI MEKATRONİK ÖN LİSANS PROGRAMLARININ: ÜNİVERSİTE, ŞEHİR VE ÖĞRENCİ TERCİHLERİ PERSPEKTİFİNDE İNCELENMESİ Journal title: Anadolu Üniversitesi Mesleki Eğitim ve Uygulama Dergisi (ANAMEUD) Authors: Hakan Çelik , Taner Akkan, Tolga Olcay, Özlem Karaca Akkan Subject(s): Social Sciences