Stem and progenitor cells in biostructure of blood vessel walls Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Krzysztof Korta, Piotr Kupczyk, Jan Skóra, Artur Pupka, Paweł Zejler, Marcin Hołysz, Mariusz... Subject(s): Medicine
The role of adipose tissue in the pathogenesis and clinical manifestation of Graves’ orbitopathy Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Przemysław Janusz, Edyta Pawlak-Adamska, Iwona Ewa Kochanowska, Jacek Daroszewski Subject(s): Medicine
Udział tkanki tłuszczowej w patogenezie i obrazie klinicznym orbitopatii tarczycowej Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Przemysław Janusz, Edyta Pawlak-Adamska, Iwona Ewa Kochanowska, Jacek Daroszewski Subject(s): Medicine
Ogólnoustrojowe i miejscowe mechanizmy prowadzące do kacheksji w chorobach nowotworowych Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Kamil Grabiec, Marta Burchert, Maciej Błaszczyk, Katarzyna Grzelkowska-Kowalczyk Subject(s): Medicine
Systemic and local mechanisms leading to cachexia in cancer Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Kamil Grabiec, Marta Burchert, Maciej Błaszczyk, Katarzyna Grzelkowska-Kowalczyk Subject(s): Medicine
Irisin – a new mediator of energy homeostasis Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Katarzyna Pukajło, Łukasz Łaczmański, Jacek Daroszewski Subject(s): Medicine
Iryzyna – nowy mediator homeostazy energetycznej Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Katarzyna Pukajło, Łukasz Łaczmański, Jacek Daroszewski Subject(s): Medicine
The use of biodegradable polymers in design of cellular scaffolds Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Joanna Orłowska, Urszula Kurczewska, Katarzyna Derwińska, Wojciech Orłowski, Daria Orszulak-Mic... Subject(s): Medicine
Zastosowanie biodegradowalnych polimerów w projektowaniu rusztowań komórkowych Journal title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine Authors: Joanna Orłowska, Urszula Kurczewska, Katarzyna Derwińska, Wojciech Orłowski, Daria Orszulak-Mic... Subject(s): Medicine
The change of the facial profile in patients with the regular and increased overjet after the orthodontic treatment Journal title: Forum Ortodontyczne Authors: Agnieszka Koszewska, Kateřina Langová, Miloš Špidlen Subject(s):
Zmiana profilu twarzy u pacjentów z prawidłowym i powiększonym nagryzem poziomym po leczeniu ortodontycznym Journal title: Forum Ortodontyczne Authors: Agnieszka Koszewska, Kateřina Langová, Miloš Špidlen Subject(s):
Performance, blood profile, carcass and meat traits and tissue morphology in growing rabbits fed mannanoligosaccharides and zinc-bacitracin continuously or intermittently Journal title: Animal Science Papers and Reports Authors: Y.A. Attia, R.S. Hamed, A.E. Abd El-Hamid, M.A. Al-Harthi, H.A. Shahba, F. Bovera Subject(s):
Characterization and imprinting analysis of COPG2 and MEST genes in pigs Journal title: Animal Science Papers and Reports Authors: Caode Jiang, Shun Lia, Ping Shi, Ranran Shi, Jiawei Tian, Changyan Deng Subject(s):
A novel pig gene, FASTK, differentially expressed in the muscle tissues from Wujin and Large White pigs Journal title: Animal Science Papers and Reports Authors: Yan Dawei, Bi Baoliang, Liu Yonggang Subject(s):
CYTOTOXICITY OF CHITOSAN BASED THERMO-SENSITIVE HYDROGELS INTENDED FOR NERVOUS TISSUE ENGINEERING Journal title: Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and its Derivatives Authors: Katarzyna Nawrotek, Zofia Modrzejewska, Danuta Paluch, Roman Zarzycki, Agnieszka Rusak Subject(s):