CRISIS RESPONSE SYSTEM IN EUROPEAN UNION REGULATIONS Journal title: Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces Authors: Tomasz HOFFMANN Subject(s):
SYSTEM REAGOWANIA KRYZYSOWEGO W REGULACJACH UNII EUROPEJSKIEJ Journal title: Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces Authors: Tomasz HOFFMANN Subject(s):
CRISIS MANAGEMENT AS AREA OF CROSS-BORDER CO-OPERATION Journal title: Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces Authors: Jerzy ŁADYSZ , Iwona ŁADYSZ Subject(s):
ZARZĄDZANIE KRYZYSOWE JAKO DZIEDZINA WSPÓŁPRACY TRANSGRANICZNEJ Journal title: Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces Authors: Jerzy ŁADYSZ , Iwona ŁADYSZ Subject(s):
STRATEGIC EFFECTS OF WAR IN IRAQ: FUTURE OF TRANSATLANTIC PARTNERSHIP Journal title: Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces Authors: Radosław SZYMANKIEWICZ Subject(s):
STRATEGICZNE SKUTKI WOJNY W IRAKU: PRZYSZŁOŚĆ TRANSATLANTYCKIEGO PARTNERSTWA Journal title: Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces Authors: Radosław SZYMANKIEWICZ Subject(s):
EUROPEAN SOCIAL ORDER IN THE FACE OF CHALLENGES OF GLOBAL CRISIS Journal title: Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces Authors: Jerzy BESTRY Subject(s):
EUROPEJSKI ŁAD SPOŁECZNY WOBEC WYZWAŃ GLOBALNEGO KRYZYSU Journal title: Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces Authors: Jerzy BESTRY Subject(s):
ETHNIC WAR IN FORMER YUGOSLAVIA. ORIGINS AND CONSEQUENCES. SELECTED ASPECTS. Journal title: Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces Authors: Zbigniew KUŹNIAR, Artur FRONCZYK Subject(s):
WOJNA ETNICZNA W BYŁEJ JUGOSŁAWII – ŹRÓDŁA I SKUTKI. WYBRANE ASPEKTY Journal title: Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces Authors: Zbigniew KUŹNIAR, Artur FRONCZYK Subject(s):
POLAND IN DEVELOPING EUROPEAN SECURITY SYSTEM – MILITARY ASPECT Journal title: Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces Authors: Marek KULCZYCKI Subject(s):
POLSKA W KSZTAŁTOWANIU EUROPEJSKIEGO SYSTEMU BEZPIECZEŃSTWA – ASPEKT MILITARNY Journal title: Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces Authors: Marek KULCZYCKI Subject(s):
BORDER GUARD IN SCHENGEN AGREEMENT Journal title: Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces Authors: Lech GROCHOWSKI Subject(s):
STRAŻ GRANICZNA W ASPEKCIE UKŁADU Z SCHENGEN Journal title: Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces Authors: Lech GROCHOWSKI Subject(s):
POLAND AND HER RELATION TO THE EUROPEAN FOREIGN COMMON POLICY AND THE DEFENCE OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Journal title: Scientific Journal of the Military University of Land Forces Authors: Tomasz HOFFMANN Subject(s):