EFFECT OF ETHANOLIC EXTRACT OF CYANOTIS CRISTATA LEAVES APPLIED TOPICALLY ON WOUND HEALING IN WISTAR RATS Journal title: Asian Journal of Pharamceutical and Clinical Research Authors: Anurag Pathak, Smita Shenoy, Sushil Kiran, Avinash A, Deepak Nayak, Naveen Kumar Tonse, Amod Tilak,... Subject(s):
BREAKING THE LINGUISTIC NORMS AS MEANS OF STRUCTURE AND CONTENT COMPRESSION IN MEDIA TEXT Journal title: Південний архів (філологічні науки) Authors: І. Мірошниченко Subject(s):
Morpheme Based Myanmar Word Segmenter Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
MODELING OF THE PROCESSES OF SEPARATION OIL EMULSIONS Journal title: Azerbaijan Chemical Journal Authors: G.I. Kelbaliyev, V.I. Kerimli, G.N. Huseynov Subject(s):
CRIMINAL LIABILITY OF A JUVENILE PERSON ON BREAKING OF TRAFFIC REGULATIONS Journal title: Administratīvā un kriminālā justīcija Authors: Karina Zauere Subject(s): Law
Linear Operator and Spontaneous Breaking in PT -Symmetry Journal title: JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN PHYSICS Authors: Prachiprava Mohapatra Subject(s):
DEVELOPMENT OF STRUCTURAL COMPOSITION OF POLYMER CONCRETE Journal title: Вісник Кременчуцького національного університету імені Михайла Остроградського Authors: А. Maslov, D. Savielov Subject(s):
The Analysis of the Breaking Susceptibility of Some Feritic Stainless Steel Journal title: Analele Universitatii "Dunarea de Jos" din Galati. Fascicula IX, Metalurgie si Stiinta Materialelor Authors: Marian BORDEI, Aurel CIUREA, Ştefan DRAGOMIR Subject(s):
Identification of properties of recycled highdensity polyethylene composites when filled with waste mud solids Journal title: Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий Authors: Nadegda Rykusova, Oleksii Shestopalov, Vladimir Lebedev, Tetiana Tykhomyrova, Ganna Bakharievа Subject(s):
THE MODEL OF VICTORY OVER THE DRUG IN SOCIETY Journal title: Legea și viața Authors: Tatiana KORNYAKOVA, Iryna MODENKO Subject(s):
HYPNOTICALLY ORIENTED APPROACHES IN THE MODERN ADVERTISING DISCOURSE Journal title: Молодий вчений Authors: N.D. Sanakoyeva, M.P. Zakarliuka Subject(s):
Arctic Tourism in the Barents Sea Region: Current Situation and Boundaries of the Possible Journal title: Arctic and North Authors: Dmitriy V. SEVASTYANOV Subject(s): Economics, Social Sciences, Political Science
Cellulose Pulp from Mulberry Branch Bark for the Paper Industry Journal title: Lesnoy Zhurnal (Russian Forestry Journal) Authors: Kh.A. Babakhanova, Z.K. Galimova, M.M. Abdunazarov, I.I. Ismailov Subject(s): Technology, Forestry
Selection of Optimal Four Wheeler Applying AHP & TOPSIS Technique Journal title: International Journal of Experimental Research and Review Authors: Somnath Das; Arkaprabha Bhattacharjee; Mriganka Maity; Rajesh Sahoo; Joydip Kumar Mondal Subject(s): Cattle, Dairy processing. Dairy products, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer and Information Science, Mathematics, Miscellaneous, Medical Education
PENERAPAN ICE BREAKING PADA PROSES BELAJAR GUNA MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR SISWA KELAS IV SD NEGERI SUGIHAN 03 Journal title: Journal of Educational Learning and Innovation (ELIa) Authors: Dwi Zakiyyah, Meidawati Suswandari, Nur Khayati Subject(s): Science Education, Teacher Education, Theory of Education