Experimental Assessment of the Effect of Paper Waste on Improvement of Concrete Behavior Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: V. S. Sherekar | S. K. Patil | G. S. Patil Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
Compressive Strength of Concrete with Partial Replacement of Cement by Fly Ash Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: Pranay Dongre | Ankit R. Bhope | Dinesh Shende | Praful Balki | Divya Madavi Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
Experimental Study on Rubberized Concrete Journal title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Authors: Chetak A. Waghmare | Dr. P. P. Saklecha | Prof. M. M. Lohe Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Agricultural Engineering, Management, Engineering, Multidisciplinary
Fly Ash Utilization Analysis as A Substitute of Cement in Cement Treated Base (CTB) Journal title: Engineering and Technology Journal Authors: Utami Sylvia Lestari , Yasruddin , Fauzi Rahman , Excel Suleh Subject(s): Engineering, Technology
Interrelations of Wood Physical and Mechanical Properties and Patterns of Their Change within the Birch Stem Journal title: Lesnoy Zhurnal (Russian Forestry Journal) Authors: V.I. Fedyukov, V.Yu. Chernov, M.S. Chernova, O.V. Tsoy Subject(s): Technology, Forestry
LIGHT WEIGHT CONCRETE Journal title: Engineering and Technology Journal Authors: Er. Arvind Singh Gaur, Er. Vikas kumar, Er. R P Singh Subject(s): Engineering, Technology
RHEOLOGICAL STUDY ON STRENGTH CHARACTERISTICS OF SANDCRETE HOLLOW BLOCK ADMIXED WITH OIL PALM STEM ASH Journal title: Engineering and Technology Journal Authors: Adeyokunnu, A. T. ,Adeyemi, F.O. , Afolabi, L.A. Subject(s): Engineering, Technology
UTILIZATION OF MARLSTONE POWDER TO INCREASE THE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CONCRETE Journal title: Engineering and Technology Journal Authors: Ahmad Junaidi , R. Dewo Hiraliya Maesa Hariyanto, Mr ,Nurnilam Oemiati ,Jonizar . Subject(s): Engineering, Technology
Penggunaan Limbah Nikel Sebagai Material Subtitusi Agregat Kasar Pada Beton K.250 Journal title: Sultra Civil Engineering Journal Authors: Muhammad Muhsar, Abdul Kadir, Sulaiman Sulaiman Subject(s): Civil Engineering
Pengaruh Cangkang Kerang Laut Terhadap Kuat Tekan Beton Journal title: Sultra Civil Engineering Journal Authors: Neti Rahmawati, Irwan Lakawa, Sulaiman Sulaiman Subject(s): Civil Engineering
Hardening and Stabilization of Volumetric Properties in Aspen and Poplar Wood with Cardanol Journal title: Lesnoy Zhurnal (Russian Forestry Journal) Authors: Vladimir A. Shamaev,Oleg F. Shishlov, Subject(s): Technology, Forestry
ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF FLY ASH AS FILLER ON THE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF HIGH STRENGTH SELF-COMPACTING CONCRETE Journal title: Engineering and Technology Journal Authors: Ellen Joan Kumaat , Rizki Andika Mahmud ,Reky Stenly Windah Subject(s): Engineering, Technology
Estimación empírica de la resistencia a compresión simple a partir del ensayo de carga puntual en rocas anisótropas (esquistos y pizarras) Journal title: FIGEMPA: Investigación y Desarrollo Authors: Burbano, D., & García, T. Subject(s): Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Physics
The Effect of Construction Wastes in Concrete Bricks for Load Bearing Wall Journal title: American Journal of Innovation in Science and Engineering (AJISE) Authors: John Rogel S. Ursua Ajimar S. Borlan Subject(s): Engineering, Innovation, Science
Experimental Study on Light Weight Concrete Bricks by Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate with Styrofoam Journal title: Engineering and Technology Journal Authors: Abbas B. A., Abubakar J., Sulaimon N. A. ,Ahmadu A. N. , Subject(s): Engineering, Technology