THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MUSLIM AND CHRISTIAN IN ANATOLIA FROM PAST TO NOW Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Mustafa YĠĞĠTOĞLU*| Yrd. Doç. Dr. Karabük Üniversitesi, Ġlahiyat Fakültesi, Ġslam Tarihi ve Sanatlar... Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
Cinematic Sequences of Tarikh Beyhaqi (Based on the stories of Seil Ghazne, death of Bounasr Moshkan, taking Amir Muhammad to Mandish Castle and Khishkhakhe) Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences Authors: Hassan Bassak| Assistant Professor, Persian Language and Literature Dept, Payame Noor University (PN... Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine
An Investigation of the Effect of Journal Writing on EFL Learners’ Oral Production Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences Authors: Somayeh Bagheri| Department of English Language Teaching, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad... Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine
The Shining Rays of the Realism fromThe Room Journal title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences Authors: MarziehZibaee٭| M.A student of English Language, Islamic Azad University, Boroujerd branch, Iran. em... Subject(s): Public Health and Community Medicine
Co-producing sustainability indicators for the port of Antwerp: How sustainability reporting creates new discursive spaces for concern and mobilisation Journal title: ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies Authors: Senior researcher Anne BERGMANS| University of Antwerp BELGIUM, Assistant Professor Frédéric VANDERM... Subject(s): Social Sciences, Cultural Economics, Economic Systems
Political Public Relations 2.0 and the Use of Twitter of Political Leaders in Turkey Journal title: Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies Authors: Gaye Aslı Sancar| Galatasaray University, Turkey Subject(s): Data Communication and Networks, Technology and Design Education, Development Studies
Circus Art: An Aspect of Cross-Cultural Dialogue Journal title: Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies Authors: Svetlana Shumakova| Kharkov State Academy of Culture, Ukraine Subject(s): Data Communication and Networks, Technology and Design Education, Development Studies
The Ground Zero Mosque Controversy: Implications for American Islam Journal title: Religions Authors: Liyakat Takim Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Comparative Theology and Religious Studies in a Non-religious Environment Journal title: Religions Authors: Jacques Scheuer Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
A European (German) View on Comparative Theology: Dialogue with My Own Past Journal title: Religions Authors: Ulrich Dehn Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Augustine’s Introduction to Political Philosophy: Teaching De Libero Arbitrio, Book I Journal title: Religions Authors: Daniel E. Burns Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
An Islamic Perspective in Managing Religious Diversity Journal title: Religions Authors: Hilal Wani, Raihanah Abdullah and Lee Wei Chang Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Abraham Joshua Heschel and Nostra Aetate: Shaping the Catholic Reconsideration of Judaism during Vatican II Journal title: Religions Authors: Joshua Furnal Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Theology Facing Religious Diversity: The Perspective of Latin American Pluralist Theology Journal title: Religions Authors: Paulo A. N. Baptista Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Transparent Theological Dialogue—“Moseka Phofu Ya Gaabo Ga a Tshabe Go Swa Lentswe” (A Setswana Proverb) Journal title: Religions Authors: Kelebogile Thomas Resane Subject(s): Philosophy, Psychology, Religion