Low impact development and green infrastructure Journal title: Scientific Journal of Environmental Sciences Authors: Zeynep Cansu Ozturk*| Environmental Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Selcuk University,... Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Soil Sciences, Environmental Toxicology, Epidemiology
Ocena stanu trawników rosnących w warunkach długotrwałego zacienienia za pomocą fluorescencji chlorofilu Journal title: Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation Authors: PIOTR DĄBROWSKI, BOGUMIŁA PAWLUŚKIEWICZ, ANETA BACZEWSKA, IZABELA ŁUKASIK, HAZEM KALAJI, VASILIJ... Subject(s):
Evaluation the vigour of urban green lawn grown under long-term shade conditions by the use of chlorophyll fluorescence technique Journal title: Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation Authors: PIOTR DĄBROWSKI, BOGUMIŁA PAWLUŚKIEWICZ, ANETA BACZEWSKA, IZABELA ŁUKASIK, HAZEM KALAJI, VASILIJ... Subject(s):
Ochrona usług ekosystemów jako element polityki spójności i zrównoważonego rozwoju miast śląskich Journal title: Optimum. Economic Studies Authors: Elżbieta Lorek, Agnieszka Lorek Subject(s):
The economic valuation of urban green spaces as a voice in the debate over their role in sustainable cities Journal title: Economic and Environmental Studies Authors: Piotr CZEMBROWSKI Subject(s):
THE ALTERNATIVE GREENIZATION OF THE RESIDENTIAL AREA IN KYIV CITY Journal title: Науковий вісник НЛТУ України Authors: М. М. Radomska, Ya. Yu. Bogomazyuk Subject(s):
Ecological network as a multi-level spatial planning tool for biodiversity conservation: analysis of an Estonian case study Journal title: Tiltai Authors: Katri Tillemann, Monika Suškevičs, Mart Külvik Subject(s):
The Working Mechanism and Barriers for Greening Vacant Properties in Shrinking Cities in China Journal title: International Journal of engineering Research and Applications Authors: Shuangjin LI, Sa MA, Shuang MA Subject(s):
Typology and classification as methods of categorization of green space Типологія і класифікація як методи категоризації зеленого простору Journal title: Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України Authors: Vasyl Yukhnovskyi, Olga Zibtseva Subject(s):
Rain Gardens as Green Support of Urban Stormwater Infrastructure Journal title: Darnios aplinkos vystymas Authors: Kamil RAWSKI Subject(s):
The role of the countryside in strengthening the green infrastructure system WrOF based on the example of Chrzanów village Journal title: Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Authors: JOWITA PYSZCZEK Subject(s):
Mitigating Climate Change Related Floods in Urban Poor Areas: Green Infrastructure Approach Journal title: Journal of Regional and City Planning Authors: Fahmyddin Araaf Tauhid, Hoferdy Zawani Subject(s):
PROPOSAL FOR A METHOD OF CONSTRUCTING INCLUSIVE URBAN GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE Journal title: European Spatial Research and Policy Authors: Magdalena Fronczek-Wojciechowska, Karolina Kopacz, Gianluca Padula, Szymon Wiśniewski, Anna Wojnarow... Subject(s): Public Policy Sciences