Blunt abdominal trauma from horse kicks Journal title: Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine Authors: Tomasz Lübek, Mariusz Jojczuk, Andrzej Ochal, Grzegorz Olszewski, Adam Nogalski Subject(s): Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science
Injury rates in adult elite judoka Journal title: Biology of Sport Authors: G James, W Pieter Subject(s):
Effects of different mode high-intensity movement training on articular cartilage in histology - a randomised controlled trial on rabbit knee Journal title: Biology of Sport Authors: Ch Qi, H Changlin Subject(s):
BIOMECHANICS OF HEAD INJURY IN OLYMPIC TAEKWONDO AND BOXING Journal title: Biology of Sport Authors: Gabriel Fife, David O’Sullivan, Willy Pieter Subject(s):
The effective use of intellectualization in teaching selected dispositions to play and its influence on reducing injury rates of lower limbs in adept football players Journal title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences Authors: Henryk Duda Subject(s):
Wpływ skutecznego wykorzystania intelektualizacji w nauczaniu wybranych dyspozycji do gry na ograniczanie urazowości kończyn dolnych u adeptów gry w piłkę nożną Journal title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences Authors: Henryk Duda Subject(s):
Functional benchmarks of musculoskeletal fitness following knee joint anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction Journal title: Fizjoterapia Polska Authors: Andrzej Czamara Subject(s):
Long-term evaluation of treatment of traumatic injuries and motor organ overuse syndromes in archers Journal title: Fizjoterapia Polska Authors: Aneta Bac, Urszula Niemiec, Edward Golec Subject(s):
Ocena odległa wyników leczenia uszkodzeń urazowych oraz zespołów przeciążeniowych narządu ruchu u uprawiających łucznictwo Journal title: Fizjoterapia Polska Authors: Aneta Bac, Urszula Niemiec, Edward Golec Subject(s):
COLD EXPOSURE DURING ALPINE HELICOPTER RESCUE OPERATIONS Journal title: Medicina Sportiva Authors: Thomas Küpper, Jürgen Steffgen, Paul Jansing, Volker Schöffl Subject(s):
Iatrogenic Bile Duct Injury. A Significant Surgical Problem. Assessment of Treatment Outcomes in the Department's Own Material Journal title: Polish Journal of Surgery Authors: Adam Bobkiewicz, łukasz Krokowicz, Tomasz Banasiewicz, Maciej Borejsza-Wysocki, Witold Ledwosiński,... Subject(s):
The Comparison of Sharps Injuries Reported by Doctors Versus Nurses from Surgical Wards in the Context of the Prevalence of HBV, HCV and HIV Infections Journal title: Polish Journal of Surgery Authors: Maria Gańczak, Andrzej Bohatyrewicz, Marcin Korzeń, Beata Karakiewicz Subject(s):
Choice of Optimal Time and Type of Orthopedic Surgery in Multiple Injured Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Depending on Age: Retrospective Study Journal title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja Authors: Sulyma Vadym Stanislavovych, Kuz Ulyana Vasylivna Subject(s):
CZYNNIKI RYZYKA ORAZ WYSTĘPOWANIE URAZÓW NARZĄDU RUCHU U ZAWODNIKÓW PIŁKI SIATKOWEJ NIŻSZYCH LIG Journal title: Medycyna Sportowa Authors: Aleksandra Truszczyńska, Dagmara Skałuba Subject(s):
RISK FACTORS AND MOTION ORGANS INJURIES IN VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS OF LOWER LEAGUES Journal title: Medycyna Sportowa Authors: Aleksandra Truszczyńska, Dagmara Skałuba Subject(s):