Problems Of Building Construction Workers In Kanyakumari District Of Tamil Nadu Journal title: International Journal Of Management And Economics Invention Authors: K. Ponnaian Subject(s):
Psychological fitness for work: do we still have a long way to go? Journal title: Journal of Health and Social Sciences Authors: Giuseppe Ferrari Subject(s):
Awareness of workplace hazards and preventive measures among sandstone mineworkers in Rajasthan, India: A cross-sectional study Journal title: Journal of Health and Social Sciences Authors: Absar Ahamd Subject(s):
PUBLIC ROLE OF SOCIAL INSURANCE IN CASE OF INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS AND OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES Journal title: Вісник Одеського національного університету. Економіка. Authors: O. I. Tulai Subject(s):
The Occupational Risk Factors of Prostate Cancer: A narrative Review Journal title: Archives of Occupational Health Authors: Mehrdad Mostaghaci, Saleh Nasiri, Aezam Tavangarian Subject(s):
Experiences with preventing carpal tunnel syndrome in an automotive plant Journal title: International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health Authors: Věra Žídková, Marie Nakládalová, Jana Zapletalová, Zdeněk Nakládal, Helena Kollárová Subject(s):
National survey of health in the tattoo industry: Observational study of 448 French tattooists Journal title: International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health Authors: Nicolas Kluger Subject(s):
Guidelines for the use of the International Classification of Radiographs of Pneumoconioses of the International Labour Office (ILO): Substantial changes in the currrent edition Journal title: Medycyna Pracy Authors: Maja Muszyńska-Graca, Beata Dąbkowska, Piotr Z. Brewczyński Subject(s): Medicine, Occupational Therapy
PREPARING FUTURE TEACHERS TO RISK WARNING IN PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITIES Journal title: Професіоналізм педагога: теоретичні й методичні аспекти Authors: Maryna Butyrina Subject(s):
Nerve muscle physiology changes with yoga in professional computer users Journal title: National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology Authors: Vidya S Joshi Subject(s):
Analysis of disability indicators due to occupational diseases in the Lviv region: problems and perspectives of the decision Journal title: Медичні перспективи Authors: I. Borisova, V. Reshota, Z. Nikolishin Subject(s):
The incidence of musculoskeletal system occupational diseases among tuberculosis laboratory workers Journal title: The European Research Journal Authors: Tuğba Gül, Serdar Savaş Gül Subject(s):
Working conditions and occupational diseases research at Kryvbas mining enterprises Journal title: ГІРНИЧИЙ ВІСНИК Authors: N.Y. SCHWAGER, D.P. Zaikina Subject(s):
The state of occupational dermatoses in Turkey Journal title: Türkderm - Deri Hastalıkları ve Frengi Arşivi Authors: Şafak Metekoğlu, Mehmet Melikoğlu, Semih Güder, İlteriş Oğuz Topal Subject(s):
INDUSTRIAL INJURIES AT ENTERPRISES OF KRYVYI RIH: ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION Journal title: Правовий часопис Донбасу Authors: Lut Suyusanov Subject(s):