Multiple Brain Abscesses in A Child with Infective Endocarditis Journal title: International Journal of Health & Medical Research Authors: Rimande U.Joel MBBS, MSc, FWACS, FMCR , Rosethe Rimande-Joel RN, Dip. PON, BEd, PhD , Eyo O. Ekpe... Subject(s): Medicine
Asymptomatic Localized Chronic Ascendıng Aortic Dissection in a Patient who Survived for more than Ten Years with Medical Follow Up Journal title: International Journal of Surgery & Surgical Techniques Authors: Iyigun T*, Kyaruzi M and Kaya M Subject(s): Surgery
Advances in the application of echocardiography in septic cardiomyopathy Journal title: Chinese Journal of Clinical Research Authors: LIN Huan, REN Hongsheng *Department of Critical Care Medicine, Linqing People's Hospital, Liaochen... Subject(s): Medicine