UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION AS A FACTOR OF THE EU MEMBER STATES COMPETITIVENESS Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Ľubomír Zelenický, Beáta Stehlíková, Anna Tirpáková Subject(s): Education
HIGHER EDUCATION POLICIES FOR THE XXI CENTURY: THE FUTURE OF EMERGING COUNTRIES Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Martha Abrahão Saad Lucchesi Subject(s): Education
THE TEN-YEAR HISTORY OF THE PROCESS OF e-LEARNING IMPLEMENTATION AT CZECH UNIVERSITIES Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Petra Poulova, Ivana Šimonova Subject(s): Education
THE UniVErsiTy as an agEnT of KnowlEdgE TransfEr: THE CasE of THE laTVia UniVErsiTy of agriCUlTUrE Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Ginta Kronberga, Līga Paula, Dina Bite Subject(s): Education
RETHINKING OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT INTRODUCTION AT TEACHING UNIVERSITIES: THE FRAMEWORK DEVELOPMENT Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Vladimír Bureš, David Griffn, Denisa Hackett, Peter Kročitý, Erik Kubička Subject(s): Education
THE ”McDONALD‘S-IZATION“ OF EDUCATION: SEARCH FOR FAST RESULTS Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Vincentas Lamanauskas Subject(s): Education
SOME VIEWPOINTS OF UNIVERSITY RESEARCHERS ABOUT INTERCULTURALITY IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Eldina Nasuf, Sonila Sadikaj Subject(s): Education
THE ROLE OF CAPACITY – BUILDING FOR SCHOOL DECENTRALIZATION IN KOSOVO Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Elmedina Nikoçeviq Subject(s): Education
THE ROLE OF CAPACITY- BUILDING FOR SCHOOL DECENTRALIZATION IN KOSOVO Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Elmedina Nikoçeviq Subject(s): Education
DIFFICULTIES OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS IN THE ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LABORATORY Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Maria Gabriela Lorenzo, Ana Maria Reverdito, Mercedes Blanco, Alejandra Salerno Subject(s): Education
EVALUATION OF ATTITUDES AND INTERESTS TOWARDS ICT: ORIENTATION FOR PROBLEM EXPERIENCES Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Francisco Manuel Morales Rodríguez Subject(s): Education
INTRODUCTION OF TRIPLE HELIX MODEL IN LATVIA BASED ON EXPERIENCE OF SWEDEN, SINGAPORE AND SOUTH KOREA Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Andris Ozols, Elena Ozola, Jānis Eglītis Subject(s): Education
USAGE OF SOCIAL NETWORKING WEBSITES: LITHUANIAN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ POSITION Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Vincentas Lamanauskas, Violeta Šlekienė, Loreta Ragulienė Subject(s): Education
CONSTRUCTING NATIONAL RANKING METHODOLOGY: DILEMMAS, CHOICES, AND DECISIONS Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Marina Larionova, Olga Perflieva, Irina Lazutina, Anastasia Lopatina, Vitaly Nagornov, Lubov Zavary... Subject(s): Education
CROSS-CURRICULAR EDUCATION FOR SOLIDARITY OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS: ORIENTATION FOR pRObLEm ExpERIENCES Journal title: Problems of Education in the 21st Century Authors: Francisco Manuel Morales Rodríguez Subject(s): Education