2017 Küresel Barış ve Refah için Bilim, Teknoloji ve İnovasyon: Konferans Raporu
Journal Title: Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi - Year 2018, Vol 18, Issue 1
The 21st Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation for Global Peace and Prosperity was aimed at bringing together scientists, academicians, health care experts and others involved in science and technology to discuss advancements in the respective fields and their implications for the future. The conference was organized by the Islamic World Academy of Sciences (IAS) which was established in 1984 to promote as a consultative organization in science and technology programmes and to bolster research on major problems facing Islamic countries. It was also in coordination with Necmettin Erbakan University and TÜBA, Turkish Academy of Sciences.
Authors and Affiliations
Yusuf Ziya Karipek
Şiî Âlim Şerîf er-Radî’nin Hayatı ve Hadis Konusundaki Görüşleri
Hicrî IV. asır hilafet merkezi Bağdat’ın siyasî ve askeri açıdan sıkıntılar yaşadığı bir zaman dilimidir. Büveyhî sultanlarının desteklediği Şîa mezhebi güç kazanmakta, Kerh mahallesi dışında yeni Şiî bölgeleri oluşmakta...
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Anahatlarıyla Ahkâm Hadisleri, Yavuz Köktaş
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