A graphic image of the legal system: law, aesthetics, the aesthetics of law?
Journal Title: Polish Law Review - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 1
Legal philosophy is concentrated on such traditional philosophical problems like ontology, epistemology, logic and ethics. Obviously it lacks the last main philosophical issue – aesthetics.<br/><br/>The author tries to fill this gap with so-called pragmatic aesthetics formulated by Richard Schusterman. Using the latin terminology he claims that the law should be not only certa, praevia, scripta et stricta, but pulchra as well. On this background the author propose two graphic models of the legal system: the first, concentrated on the logical structure (e.g. Hans Kelsen, Herbert L. A. Hart), and the second, concentrated on the axiological borders (e.g. Gustav Radbruch, Lon L. Fuller). In the conclusion he presents also some new proposals, like for example three-dimensional vision of the global law formulated by Rafael Domingo.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Jerzy Zajadło
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