„A jakby tak zboczyć, to co?” Homoerotyzm męskich postaci literackich w wybranych utworach prozaików polskich

Journal Title: Studia Europaea Gnesnensia - Year 2012, Vol 6, Issue


The authoress analyses the notion of homoeroticism, as one of the themes found in the prose work of 20th century Polish authors: Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, Jerzy Andrzejewski, Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz and Marek Hłasko. The article is an attempt to describe the relations that the characters in selected works enter into, shifting the former meaning of the notion of homoeroticism from the sphere of purely sexual fascination towards the psychological need of bond building between incisive male characters. Literature on the subject makes it evident that the homoerotic interests of the discussed authors were not limited to the world of fiction they created, but were clearly present in their biographies, which allows one to find a key to the analysis of their works as well.

Authors and Affiliations

Sabina Jadowska


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How To Cite

Sabina Jadowska (2012). „A jakby tak zboczyć, to co?” Homoerotyzm męskich postaci literackich w wybranych utworach prozaików polskich. Studia Europaea Gnesnensia, 6(), 139-152. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-168990