A New Approach of Groundwater Resource Development in Indo Gangetic Plain
Journal Title: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) - Year 2013, Vol 2, Issue 3
A New Approach of Groundwater Resource Development in Indo Gangetic Plain
FPGA based Real Time 3D-RISS / GPS Integrated System for Position Tracking
FPGA based Real Time 3D-RISS / GPS Integrated System for Position Tracking
Intralobar Pulmonary Sequestration Masquerading as Lung Abscess: A Rare Paediatric Presentation
Pulmonary sequestration refers to lack of normal airway connection and aberrant vascular supply, and it may be either intralobar or extralobar. Bronchial atresia involving the lower lobes, especially the left lower lobe...
Removal of Impulse Noise Using Different Filters
Noise in the image processing technology is the most important long-term treatment technique is very hard to remove noise, because there are several imaging noise present in the environment,so the purpose of this work is...
Anaesthetic Management of a Large Atypical Antrochoanal Polyp for FESS
Antrochoanal polyps usually present with nasal obstruction in children and young adults. This is a case of a large antrochoanal polyp causing nasal obstruction, change in voice and dysphagia in an adult female. Change in...
Cultural Differences
This article aims to look at some cultural differences worldwide. It will be generally shown that what types cultures can be divided into. The kinds of the cultures which will be defined and explored are: Individualistic...