A relação entre a competência informacional e a estruturação da aula de Química nos professores de Serra Talhada - PE


Research conducted with seven chemistry teachers from Serra Talhada – PE educational public network, which investigates the relationship between the informational skills and the class structure they presented. It briefly discusses the conceptions and patterns of informational competence based on the determinations of the Association of College and Research Libraries, focusing on the didactic activities by the teachers of Basic Chemistry. The questionnaire was used to collect data, based on concepts and standards of informational competence for teachers with a higher education in ACRL (2000) and the structuring elements of a class (LIBÈNEO, 1994; CORDEIRO, 2007). The results show that the teachers of Chemistry questioned present difficulties in formulating general and specific objectives for class, in organizing the information, in selecting the resources from the sources consulted; As well as a strong attachment to the textbook as a source of information. It concludes that the informational competence of the professor of Chemistry of Serra Talhada needs to bebetter worked and that the relation between many of these abilities do not occur in a coherent way.

Authors and Affiliations

Thiago Araújo da Silveira| Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco


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How To Cite

Thiago Araújo da Silveira (2017). A relação entre a competência informacional e a estruturação da aula de Química nos professores de Serra Talhada - PE. BIBLOS: Revista do Instituto de Ciencias Humanas & da Informacao, 31(1), 27-50. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-10170