Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 26, Issue 76
The author takes the diagram by E. Loosch, concerning information processing during a motor operation, as a “starting point” for scientific considerations. The author termed it “Loosch’s bow tie.” His study shows an apparent paradox in this diagram and he analyses it from the system-theoretical perspective. In this respect, the achievements by L. von Bertalanffy and J.M. Morawski are highly instructive, who created the strong systemic perspective for scientific investigations. Mathematics, a very effective instrument in the non-living world (e.g., in physics), turned out to be hardly applicable in biology, psychology and motor control. Hence, the system-theoretical perspective seems to be promising. In the multilevel and multimodal structure of a system, the nonlinearity is very significant. Just the nonlinear relations between particular levels of a system are probably “responsible” for the most precious product of a system, i.e., a qualitatively new, emergent system effect. As a result, the information processing chunks, involved in motor operation creation, residing at various levels of the movement construction system, differ qualitatively from each other. The author presents an attempt at ordering particular classes of motor operations according to the information processing nature, which underlies them. Finally, the author points to the fact that especially in the development of motor control, the part of theoretical considerations is by far greater than that of experimental research.
Authors and Affiliations
Wacław Petryński
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