About risk factors in the development of thrombotic complications in patients with chronic myeloprolipherative diseases

Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2013, Vol 18, Issue 1


Steady increasing number of patients with the diseases complicated by thromboses and embolisms requires intensified study. Practically in all oncologic and oncogematologic patients readiness for the development of thrombotic complications is formed even before changes in hemostasiogramm. In the hematologic clinic the problem of thrombotic complications especially acute in patients with chronic myeloprolipherative diseases (CMD): the manifestation of disease at the age of 50-70 years, its benign prolonged course with factors, which burden vascularly - thrombocytic changes – hypertonic disease, ischemic heart disease, metabolic syndrome - they aggravate the forecast of disease. The purpose of the work was to estimate influence of the risk factors of thrombotic complications in patients with CMD. Possible risk factors in the development of thrombotic complication in 110 patients with CMD were investigated. In 38 of them vascular complications, occurred which manifested in the age group of 50 years and over. During the expressed plethora and or progression of myelopro¬lipherative syndrome in combination with arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, atherothrombosis of lower extremities vessels as well as changed laboratory data (significant increase of Hb, RBC,WBC,PLT; high level of cholesterol, LDH, uric acid in connection with high level of thrombotic aggregation greatly) enhance the risk of thrombotic complications. Taking into account complex of these changes and administration of the corresponding complex therapy it is possible to warn life threatening states. 

Authors and Affiliations

T. Nikolayenko-Kamyshova


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T. Nikolayenko-Kamyshova (2013). About risk factors in the development of thrombotic complications in patients with chronic myeloprolipherative diseases. Медичні перспективи, 18(1), 43-46. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-126012