Journal Title: Folia Turistica - Year 2018, Vol 49, Issue
Purpose. The aim of the article is to deepen the philosophical and ethical reflection on the phenomenon of modern tourism which forms the opportunity to determine the objective scope regarding ethics of practical tourism, its tasks and goals.<br/><br/>Method. In addition to the classical methods based on analysis and synthesis of research material, the author applies elements of the historical-comparative method, as well as the hermeneutic method for text interpretation.<br/><br/>Findings. As it turns out, in the subject-related literature, there is no extensive theory of tourism ethics that could fill the clear gap appearing in the studies on the axiological nature of relationships and relations in tourism. In this article, the author tries to show that it is not possible to separate ethics from the issue of development in general and the development of tourism in particular.<br/><br/>Research and conclusions limitations. Ethical reflection on a post-modern tourism has revealed a number of barriers and limitations faced by ethical behavior in the sphere of tourism, especially when talking about the possibility of self-realisation or self-realisation through participation in tourist travels.<br/><br/>Practical implications. In-depth understanding of the ethical problems concerning modern tourism can favor behaviors going beyond everyday tourist practices.<br/><br/>Originality. The article is an attempt at synthetic summary of the most important issues and moral dilemmas faced by a contemporary tourism.<br/><br/>Type of paper. The article constitutes a review, in which theoretical and historical themes interlace with empirical examples concretising the theses put forward.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Marek Kazimierczak
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