Acne fulminans in the course of oral isotretinoin treatment. Presentation of cases

Journal Title: Nasza Dermatologia Online - Year 2017, Vol 8, Issue 2


Isotretinoin is considered a gold standard in treating severe cases of acne. It brings lots of benefits but on the other hand can cause series of undesirable side-effects. We present 2 cases of patients suffering from acne fulminans in the course of treatment with oral isotretinoin. Acne fulminans is a very severe systemic disease and its course is difficult to foresee. The most important is rapid diagnosis and implementation of treatment. Systemic corticosteroids combined with isotretinoin or high doses of antibiotics are the most effective. The alternative methods are dapsone, infliximab.

Authors and Affiliations

Magdalena Kręgiel


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  • EP ID EP287659
  • DOI 10.7241/ourd.20172.57
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How To Cite

Magdalena Kręgiel (2017). Acne fulminans in the course of oral isotretinoin treatment. Presentation of cases. Nasza Dermatologia Online, 8(2), 215-216.