Actualities regarding mechanic evaluation of the static and dynamic plantar support for the patients with or without pedal pathology - review

Journal Title: - Year 2017, Vol 10, Issue 34


We present a literature review regarding mechanic evaluation of the plantar support for further comparison with our results. We found studies from USA, India, and Israel where tests were performed on specific equipment for plantar support evaluation, studies in which various manifestations of the foot were searched for. Patients had diabetes, splay foot, cyclists, and scoliosis. For the latter, data regarding testing with or without corset on the plantar support evaluation were absent.

Authors and Affiliations

Florin Drăgan, Gelu Onose, Liliana Padure


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  • EP ID EP656806
  • DOI 10.26416/Orl.34.1.2017.589
  • Views 93
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How To Cite

Florin Drăgan, Gelu Onose, Liliana Padure (2017). Actualities regarding mechanic evaluation of the static and dynamic plantar support for the patients with or without pedal pathology - review., 10(34), 40-42.