The subject of the article are the changes of politeness customs, above all the language
ones, which have occurred and continue to occur after 1989. The aim of the discussion is
to verify the thesis that these changes ar...
The interest in the issue of emotions both in everyday world and in academic circles is
a phenomenon that should not be ignored. It reflects cultural changes, but is also a result
of deep thought on the world of feelings...
The aim of the paper is to introduce nonhuman creatures and nonhuman universes
presented in popular culture in the context of assumptions related to biopolitics and Italian
philosopher Giorgio Agamben’s category of “bare...
My article is an attempt to interpret media-generated stereotype of furries by exploring
some influential and at the same time biased cultural representations of the fandom. Instead
of looking for ultimately true furry i...
The aim of the article is to analyze five Danish literary examples (texts by Geeti Amiri,
Yahya Hassan, Tarek Omar, Hassan Preisler and Abdel Aziz Mahmoud) in the context of the
ongoing public debate on Danishness. The c...
Demokratyzacja obyczajów – słowo kluczowe współczesnej kultury polskiej?
The subject of the article are the changes of politeness customs, above all the language ones, which have occurred and continue to occur after 1989. The aim of the discussion is to verify the thesis that these changes ar...
Przyrodzone, poskramiane czy konstruowane? Dyskursy o emocjach w badaniach historycznych
The interest in the issue of emotions both in everyday world and in academic circles is a phenomenon that should not be ignored. It reflects cultural changes, but is also a result of deep thought on the world of feelings...
Relacje międzygatunkowe, biologiczność ciała i polityka krwi. Nagie życie nieludzkich istot popkultury
The aim of the paper is to introduce nonhuman creatures and nonhuman universes presented in popular culture in the context of assumptions related to biopolitics and Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben’s category of “bare...
Mroczny przedmiot przytulania. O kontrowersyjnych wizerunkach fandomu futrzaków w kulturze popularnej
My article is an attempt to interpret media-generated stereotype of furries by exploring some influential and at the same time biased cultural representations of the fandom. Instead of looking for ultimately true furry i...
„Nie myśl sobie, że jesteś Duńczykiem...”. O duńskiej literaturze migracyjnej w kontekście debaty o duńskości
The aim of the article is to analyze five Danish literary examples (texts by Geeti Amiri, Yahya Hassan, Tarek Omar, Hassan Preisler and Abdel Aziz Mahmoud) in the context of the ongoing public debate on Danishness. The c...