Age-related Changes of Diameter and Deformability of Red Blood Cells

Journal Title: Lviv Clinical Bulletin - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 14


The goal of the research was to study the age-related changes of diameter and deformability of RBCs in practically healthy volunteers. Morphological, biophysical and biochemical parameters of RBCs were studied in 50 practically healthy men (divided in two age groups: adults (22-30 years old), and old people (75-89 years old)). It was concluded that excess number of large-sized matured (aged) erythrocytes is revealed in the blood of old people. RBC ageing is closely related to a progressive decrease in ADP/ATP ratio, which provides disorders of osmotic balance, cells’ swelling, activating signal transduction system, which affects properties regulating RBC deformability and finally leads to the removal of old cells from the circulation by macrophages at spleen level. Received results show different rheological characteristics of RBCs in various aged volunteers.

Authors and Affiliations

L. Aladashvili, M. Arabuli, N. Tchlikadze


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  • EP ID EP204406
  • DOI 10.25040/lkv2016.023.028
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How To Cite

L. Aladashvili, M. Arabuli, N. Tchlikadze (2016). Age-related Changes of Diameter and Deformability of Red Blood Cells. Lviv Clinical Bulletin, 2(14), 28-29.