Agro-ecological territories zoning for the cultivation of organic agricultural products
Journal Title: Вісник Дніпропетровського державного аграрно-економічного університету - Year 2017, Vol 46, Issue 4
The formation of environmentally stable organic crop production zones for organic production seems to be urgent and causes the search of strategies for the rational optimization of the agricultural landscape. The plain relief in Poltava region and a high degree of eroded soils causes the search of optimal and adapted regions for growing of wholesome, high quality and environmentally friendly agricultural products. The ploughing-up soils decreasing level and the restoration of degraded and disturbed fields for agricultural purposes is the basis of structure stabilizing of the agricultural landscape. Excessive lands plowing, including slopes, resulted in a violation of ecologically balanced ratio of the ploughed field and ecologically stabilizing areas (ECT), which had a negative effect on the sustainability of landscapes. The most threatening phenomena are observed in the soil cover, which is significantly degraded and thus a considerable areas of productive land are taken out from cultivation. The target of our research is to conduct of the geographical demarcation of Poltava region and to determine organic crop production zones for the organic products cultivation on the basis of statistical and cartographic data. In the process of research methods of analysis, comparison, synthesis and generalization were used. Geographical demarcation of Poltava region was carried out according to the criterion of the ratio of ploughed field to ecologocally stabilizing areas It should be noted that a large part of the area (65 %), is a chernozem soil ‒ the most fertile types of soils. The highest rates of humus (of 4,01 to 4,5 %) observed in soils Maevsk, Chutovsk and Karlivsk districts. Indices are in the range of 3,51‒4,0 % in Velikobagachansky, Mirgorodsky, Chiacomo and Decanska areas. It is noted that almost 40 % of the territory of Poltava region has the disastrous state. Also presented are recommendations aimed at improving the agro-ecological situation in the studied region and elimination of deficiencies on the way to stabilization of the agro ecosystem in general. Consequently, recommendations for improving agro-ecological situation in the above-mentioned areas and stabilizing agro-ecosystem are suggested.
Authors and Affiliations
P. V. Pisarenko, O. O. Laslo, O. V. Pankova
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