Akt małżeński jako poznanie w świetle Katechez środowych Jana Pawła II

Journal Title: Studia Warmińskie - Year 2017, Vol 54, Issue 54


The author of this essay examines a series of short talks on marital act delivered by John Paul II on his Wednesday Catechesis, where the pope described it as the act of the conjugal knowledge. The essay includes the following themes: sexuality in the context of the original sin; marital union of persons as knowledge; parenthood as the sense of knowledge; motherhood in the perspective of knowledge; knowledge-labour in the eschatological perspective. Marital act implies a mutual gift of the whole person. Conjugal union between man and woman reveals the sense of their bodies as those of the husband and the wife. Mutual, unconditional and irrevocable acceptance echoes, as it were, the loving act of God towards them. God loves man for his own sake. Communion between spouses stimulates their deep mutual affirmation. Marital love, realised in the marital act, is the act of procreation. Marital relationship gives rise to the reality of another person. Conjugal knowledge leads to the unveiling of the mystery of another person, the fruit of the love between the spouses. The child appears as a kind of the synthesis of their love, and the shared image of the spouses. God reveals His creative power in the marital act of love and conception, and then extends it far beyond the horizons of death. The innermost sense of childbirth lies in the opening up to the life-giving power of God. In that, it demonstrates the Paschal tenacity of life.

Authors and Affiliations

Antoni Jucewicz


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Antoni Jucewicz (2017). Akt małżeński jako poznanie w świetle Katechez środowych Jana Pawła II. Studia Warmińskie, 54(54), 205-218. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-311185