Алексея Петрова Полонез по-русски , или Заграница.рl.ги. - сюжет русско-польской взаимности
Journal Title: ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA - Year 2008, Vol 1, Issue 0
The documentary novel as a discourse of the Russian-Polish mutual relations in dramatic collisions and commonness. The architectonics of the novel in the ratio of the fabulous mutual visits of the Russian authors and his Polish friends and the structure of the deep historic insight. The compositional structure is in the exchange of Polish and Russian episodes. The friendship of the Russian spouses as a pattern of obligatory relations on the confidential (private), interstate and national level.
Authors and Affiliations
Aleksei Dmitrovskiy
Profesor Gieorgij Krasnow o Puszkinie, "Болдинскиx чтенияx" i zbliżającym się jubileuszu 200-lecia poety
Текстовая функция модальной лексики (на материале прозаических произведений Чехова)
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Filmy Eldara Riazanowa w Polsce – z zagadnień recepcji
Eldar Ryazanov directed films including The Irony of Fate, Station for Two, Carnival Night, Beware of the Car, and Office Romance. These films, regarded as cult classics in Russia (the former Soviet Union), are also know...
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