An attempt to use the electrical conductivity of ripening cheeses for the evaluation of their adulteration with vegetable oils
Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2012, Vol 10, Issue 3
In this paper the preliminary research results have been presented which were performed in order to use the conductivity properties of different ripening cheeses for the evaluation of their adulteration with palm oil and the determination of mathematical relationships between the electrical and mechanical properties for Edamski cheese and Edan cheese-like product. A subject of the study was Edamski cheese (Dutch-type ripening cheese) and Edan cheese-like product of a different degree of maturity, manufactured by the method applied in a Polish dairy co-operative. In the Edam manufacturing process the milk was standardized to the milk fat content of 3.2% and in the manufacturing of Edan cheese-like product the milk fat was replaced with the equivalent amount of palm oil, accordingly. The mechanical properties of the studied dairy products were measured by means of the INSTRON model 4301 universal test machine. The Agilent model E4980a meter was used for impedance measurements of dairy products. The correlation and linear regression analysis for the maximum cutting, puncture and compression forces vs. the impedances of cheese and cheese-like product, respectively, showed that the mathematical relationships described by the equations y = ax ± b, occurred between these variables at the frequencies of 20 Hz, 2 kHz and 200 kHz. On this basis, knowing the impedance value, the maximum forces of cutting, puncture and compression, thus the firmness of these products may be determined.
Authors and Affiliations
Joanna Banach, Ryszard Żywica
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