An Introduction Essay to the Imagination of God in Sociology
Journal Title: Eskiyeni - Year 2019, Vol 39, Issue 39
Dealing with the concept of god in philosophy, theology, kalām etc. is necessary, aside being surprising, since it is among one of the most essential topics of these disciplines. But when it comes to deal with the concept of god in Sociology or when “the concept of god in Sociology” is talked about, it is considered at first glance that the two things which should not be together are used together in a paradoxical way and with a meaningless force. However, if the issue is seen a little more closely, it will be understandable that the situation is not so. Because researching social dimensions of religion or reverse that society’s religious dimensions, Sociology has directly or indirectly been interested with the concept or subject of god; by carrying the subject on further aspects, some sociologists have even argued that society generates a god or gods, the society and God are the same thing, and god or gods are the reflections of society or groups. Thus, in Sociology, especially in the classic “Western Sociology”, society is god (God, god or gods), and god is society or group. In this viewpoint, society deifies or makes itself god. This can also be expressed as follows: God makes Himself society or socializes Himself that is, reflects himself into society. In a sense that God has become sociology/sociological, and sociology has become god/divine. In this study, the concept of god in sociology is considered based on the ideas of some socio-logists and some sociological sources at the level of introduction.
Authors and Affiliations
Ejder Okumuş
Eskiyeni Anadolu İlahiyat Akademisi Dergisi 32. Sayı (Tanrı Tasavvurları II)
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