Аналіз джерел мотивації праці персоналу фермерських господарств [Analysis of sources of farm workers' work motivation]
Journal Title: Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія - Year 2017, Vol 11, Issue 4
The investigation conducted by the author found low farm workers' motivation, which necessitates the development and use of new internal processes-focused farm workers' motivation mechanisms. The author discusses the levels of farm workers' motivation sources, the effects of different farm work incentives on farm workers' motivation source levels and the relationship between the farm workers' motivation source levels and the farm workers' status. It was found that farm workers' motivation source levels had relationship with the terms of farm workers' employment. Farm workers had each motivation source highly developed. However, some of hired farm workers' motivation sources were shown to be at low levels, including their external self-concept, internal self-concept and goal internalization. It was shown that farm work was polymotivated, i.e. it was based on the different group motives which were interconnected and complementary. The author proposes to increase the levels of farm workers' motivation sources by means of special psychological technologies.
Authors and Affiliations
Viktoria Ulianova
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