Analiza stanja školskih biblioteka medresa u Bosni i Hercegovini / An analysis of the state of madrassa school libraries in Bosnia and Herzegovina


The paper presents the way in which libraries of religious schools – madrassas operate and whether their work is satisfactory and in accordance with the standards. The results, which were obtained by administering a survey, will be presented and analyzed in detail, along with guidelines and instructions on how to change the current situation and to make the work in school libraries of the highest quality possible and as purposeful as possible. The research indicated some of the basic problems that school libraries of madrassas are facing nowadays, and the current situation in these three school libraries. Some of the issues tackled in this paper are: the state of school library stock, library space, space for independent and group work, as well as the analysis of technical equipment and library staff. Special attention is paid to information literacy, which is today one of the key competencies for every librarian, as well as for all their students and users.

Authors and Affiliations

Ejla Ćurovac


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How To Cite

Ejla Ćurovac (2021). Analiza stanja školskih biblioteka medresa u Bosni i Hercegovini / An analysis of the state of madrassa school libraries in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Zbornik radova Islamskog pedagoškog fakulteta u Zenici / Proceedings of the Islamic Pedagogical Faculty in Zenica, 19(19), -.