Analysis of Practicum Implementation During the Pandemic Period at the Department of Biology, Padang State University
Journal Title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research - Year 2022, Vol 5, Issue 02
Biology learning aims to provide a variety of direct learning experiences through the practicum. During the current Covid-19 pandemic, practicums are carried out online or online. Based on the results of interviews with lecturers, there are several problems related to biology practicum activities at Padang State University, namely lecturers do not make their practicum videos and for lecturers who make their practicum videos, it is difficult to prepare good or clear practicum videos. Lecturers also cannot see and directly assess the psychomotor aspects of students. Based on the results of interviews with students, students have difficulty finding practical tools and materials, unstable networks, lack of mastery of practicum materials, difficulties in interacting with lecturers or lecturer assistants and cannot directly practice practical theory. Therefore, it was concluded that there were problems related to biology practicum activities at Padang State University during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aims to determine the planning, implementation, and evaluation of practicum activities during the pandemic carried out by lecturers, lecturer assistants, educational laboratory institutions, and students of the Biology Department, Padang State University. This type of research is descriptive research. The population in this study were 264 semester 5 (five) students of the Department of Biology, Padang State University. Informants in this study were selected using a purposive sampling technique that is 10% of the total population. The data in this study are questionnaires, observations, interviews, and documentation of practical activities carried out by lecturers, lecturer assistants, educational laboratory institutions, and students. Data analysis techniques used are quantitative data analysis techniques and qualitative data analysis techniques. The results showed that the practicum planning carried out by lecturers, lecturer assistants, and students was in very good criteria with an average score of 89.31% each; 93.7%; and 82.18%. However, the practicum planning carried out by educational laboratory institutions is in the moderate criteria with an average value of 64.6%. The implementation of the practicum carried out by lecturers, lecturer assistants, and students is in very good criteria with an average value of 87.58% each; 97.75%; and 83.97%. However, the implementation of practicum carried out by educational laboratory institutions is in good criteria with an average value of 78.23%. The practicum evaluations carried out by lecturers, lecturer assistants, and students are in very good criteria with an average value of 89.06% each; 97.56%; and 86.32%. However, the practicum evaluation carried out by educational laboratory institutions was in the moderate criteria with an average value of 68.75%.
Authors and Affiliations
Winda Ayu Fietri, Dwi Hilda Putri, Linda Advinda, Irdawati
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